Official Thalmor Report: The Voidwalker [PART 3]

[PART 3]

The following is the official Thalmor report on the investigation of the prolific serial killer commonly known as The Voidwalker.


ALIASES: The Voidwalker

CHARGES: Numerous murders, kidnappings, mutilations, and other violent crimes.

CHIEF JUSTICIAR: Agent Caronil, Department of Dominion Security

DATE SUBMITTED: 4E 201, 12th of First Seed


Falcano wrote to me of his findings regularly. He worked with a fervor that I had never seen before. He had an immense thirst for knowledge, but it was driven by altruism and love for his fellow Altmer. I knew in my heart that I could trust him to do what was right. I gave him an official writ of access to any and all materials he needed for his work on this case. In between his research and my investigation, we were attacked by more and more of the undead monstrosities, but we now knew how to destroy them. Falcano and I developed a strategy to destroy the monsters before they could cause too much destruction. It consisted of me distracting the monster by flailing around, screaming, and hurling magic at it, while Falcano waited until it was close enough to be destroyed by the Array.

After a week, on the 28th of Sun’s Dawn, Falcano came to my solar, carrying a stack of notes, with a huge grin on his face. I knew he had something good for me, but I wasn’t prepared for how good it was. He walked me through his notes and told me what he found. Originally, he believed The Voidwalker to be a native of the Reach, but found their magic was but a crude imitation of the magic harnessed by the suspect. Through his research, he discovered that The Voidwalker was using ancient magic from the time of the Aldmer themselves. Falcano had pored through tome after tome and was only able to find myths and legends. The legends told of an Aldmer mage known as the “Aran Abanya” or “Unliving King.” The Unliving King was, contrary to what one might think, not an undead being. Instead, all slaves under his possession were turned into undead thralls. The legends said of the thralls, “The King’s slaves had hellfire in their hearts and the eyes of their master.” According to the myths, The Unliving King sought to rule over Nirn and began to “turn the fire of the heart on his kin.” In the end, The Unliving King’s conquest was halted by a musician named Emeratis “who played music so beautiful that it cooled the Unliving King’s many hearts.”

Falcano believed that the Aldmer array was the instrument of Emeratis and that it’s true purpose had been unknown until now. He explained that the Dawn Magic used by The Unliving King was covered up after his defeat, so no one could ever acquire that knowledge again. However, as we had observed in the excitement of the weeks prior, this knowledge was somehow uncovered. I immediately had one thought: Hermaeus Mora. It was at that moment that my solar exploded.