Official Thalmor Report: The Voidwalker [PART 4]

[PART 4]

The following is the official Thalmor report on the investigation of the prolific serial killer commonly known as The Voidwalker.


ALIASES: The Voidwalker

CHARGES: Numerous murders, kidnappings, mutilations, and other violent crimes.

CHIEF JUSTICIAR: Agent Caronil, Department of Dominion Security

DATE SUBMITTED: 4E 201, 12th of First Seed


As my solar was blown to pieces, Falcano and I were thrown from our seats. A piece of rubble hit me in the head as I was thrown, and I could feel the blood running down from my scalp. I snapped out of my daze and scanned through the smoke. I spotted a limp body and rushed towards it. It was Falcano. I didn’t have time to think while the solar was burning, so I grabbed Falcano and lifted him over my shoulder. I was very lucky that he barely ate while he worked, or I would not have been able to carry him.

With Falcano over my shoulder, I searched for an exit. The roof of the solar began to collapse, and the heat was getting more intense by the minute. I had to get out. Now. The smoke choked and blinded me, and I was losing blood fast. I held my breath and searched for an escape. I spotted the door and hurried for it, but was stopped by a piece of the roof caving in in my path. My eyes began to water, and Falcano’s breathing was slowing. I fought through the tears in my eyes and saw a burning hole in the wall.

The ceiling creaked and my vision was fading. I needed to run through the flames to get to the escape. I braved my way through the inferno for what felt like an eternity. The breath in my lungs was fading fast. My lungs felt like they would explode. The clean air I needed was just out of reach, and it felt like it was moving further away as I got closer. The solar was crumbling even more. I was ready to give in, but then Falcano let out a cough. I wasn’t going to let such a young life be cut so short. I made it through the flames, through the escape, and into the evening air.

I collapsed as soon as I was to safety, and laid Falcano down. The tears dissipated from my eyes and the clean air filled my lungs. I found the strength to stand myself up and checked on Falcano. He was still breathing. As I looked around in the dim light of Masser and Secunda, I saw my solar collapse entirely. And then I heard the footsteps.

Slowly lumbering up behind me was another one of the thralls. This one was once an elderly woman. She hobbled closer and closer, wielding a firebolt in each hand. I picked up Falcano once again and started to back away as fast as I could. I raised a ward in one hand and carried Falcano with the other. I had no plan other than to survive. I deflected bolt after bolt as I stepped towards the main Department building.

After another eternity of this backstepping and deflecting, I was finally spotted by the Department Sentries. I called out to them for assistance, and soon I was battling the undead hag alongside the entire overnight guard team, 25 souls, myself included. I gave Falcano to one of the men, and he carried him off to the medical station. Falcano was the only one who knew how to work the Array, and even if he was there, the Array was at Falcano’s house. After Agent Nulinon’s sacrifice, I knew they could be destroyed through great effort. And so, under my command, we surrounded the thrall, and contained it within our wards. What a grave mistake that was.

When the thrall realized it was surrounded, it stopped fighting. I gave the order to move in, and we tightened the encirclement with caution until we were finally shoulder to shoulder. And then the blinding flash came.

When the light abated, there was a crater in the ground, the thrall was in pieces, and there were 19 of us in various states of injury, and 6 of us in various states of dismemberment. I will never forgive myself.