The Dawn awaits you, novitiate: A Sermon for Camoran's Faithful.

Verily I tell you the path of innocence belies the eight-pointed star. Divinity is clutched by demons wailing and clawing in the festering mire that is flesh-reality.

Behold the eight-pointed star which judges the living-dead and sees in them the iniquity of foul-mouthed silence. Alas, the light of Paradeisos shines through visceral filters that constrains the thought-will of the righteous and the wrong-wights.

But fear not for the coming age of Stars will see those dutiful to the sacred light exalted, elated and erased from the dire trappings of venomous mundality. Thus, the sacred shall not yield to the profane.

At this moment the shadow of iniquity passes over the halls of the unworthy whilst the children sleep and think themselves safe. All who stand against the light will be bound to the bloody wheel of silenced wails. The storm that approaches claims all people in its madness, that no body shall escape its power.

Beyond the horizon is a land beswept with the blood of disgraced ancients, wallowing in pits on the racks of the ages while the pious look not upon their suffering.

Here, time stands poised on the edge of oblivion as the bloodied wheel of mortal experience crushes those who accept the great lie of the flesh.

Never cease to serve Lord Dagon. Undying master of revolution! Maestro of maelstrom and fire and true Lord of this world. Akatosh's pawns, the Septims, will finally be overthrown and their tyranny cast down. Nowhere shall be safe from Lord Dagon's power, cleansing all who reinforce the Great Lie of flesh-reality! The Time of Gates approaches, and the Master has prepared the way for his coming. Ignorance shall be winnowed and the foolish sacrificed to pave the way for the Dawn, their bones shall help lay the road to our transcendence, and their flesh shall bind the covers of the Xarxes Mysterium! All hail the Master and Lord Dagon!