Official Thalmor Report: The Voidwalker [PART 6]

[PART 6]

The following is the official Thalmor report on the investigation of the prolific serial killer commonly known as The Voidwalker.


ALIASES: The Voidwalker

CHARGES: Numerous murders, kidnappings, mutilations, and other violent crimes.

CHIEF JUSTICIAR: Agent Caronil, Department of Dominion Security

DATE SUBMITTED: 4E 201, 12th of First Seed


After 26 hours straight of assaulting the crystals with all sorts of spells and incantations, interlaced with the occasional thrall attack (which we quickly repelled with the Array), Falcano woke me from my sleep and told me “he had done it.” He brought me to his personal laboratory, in which the crystals stood in the center on a pedestal. Falcano nudged me and told me to pick them up. I did so with caution.

As soon as I made contact with the crystals, my view changed radically. I flew through the eternal sea of Aetherius, which eventually gave way to Oblivion. I saw the infinite vastness of the infinite planes and realms of the Daedra. I then saw the comatose bodies of the Ancestors, whose unendingness was forever forsaken by the Trickster Lorkhan. This then gave way to Nirn, the prison. I saw masses of land discovered and undiscovered, and was pulled towards Tamriel, the one I call home. I flew over the extravagant cities of Alinor, and was dragged to the woods outside the capital. There I saw a ruin as ancient as time itself. It's name was revealed to me: TEL AV ACHARYAI. This was where The Voidwalker was.

I snapped out of the vision the crystals granted me, and was greeted by Falcano. He simply grinned. I told him of my flight and he nodded along, knowing the story already. He told me that I had only been gone for an instant, which amplified my amazement. We discussed what our course of action should be, and devised a plan.

It was the 3rd of First Seed when I wrote to the Regent himself to request his best men and women. I waited anxiously for his reply. In only an hour, the courier had reapparated. With him was the Regent Voradil Loraethal, head of state of the Third Aldmeri Dominion and leader of the Thalmor Party. He had heard of Falcano and I’s exploits and investigation, and wanted it dealt with immediately. I found out that his husband had vanished, and he knew it to be the work of The Voidwalker. When he heard that we had located The Voidwalker, his hopes soared that we could rescue his husband. While I was conversing with the Regent, Falcano was working on his own project.

Falcano burst out from his laboratory with the look of a mad genius. He had discovered a way to replicate the Array’s “unhearable song.” By studying the science of the Dwemer Tonal Architects and the Reflected Sounds of the Echmer, Falcano had created a small, glass sphere, that when shattered, would produce what he called “The Tone of Emeratis.” The “tonal charge,” as he called it, was easily produced, and as quick as he came in, he left for his laboratory with the promise that he would have “enough for a small army.”

The Regent must have taken this as another request, because on the morning of the 4th of Last Seed, Falcano and I awoke to a crowd of almost 200 people camped outside Falcano’s house. There were Elite Battlemages, Grand Healers, Khajiiti swordsmen, Bosmer archers, Great War veterans, conjurers, five Khajiiti monks, a Dwemer Automaton, and even a group of three Akaviri mages, who wielded an unknown form of magic, along with other varied sorts from all across Tamriel. I opened the door to address them and told them the plan.

I told them that they will all follow me and Falcano to a temple as old as the Ancestors and that a terrible murderer and necromancer is hiding out there. Falcano began to hand out satchels of tonal charges to every soldier while I explained what they were and how to use them. After my briefing, we set out. Falcano and I led the company. We used no map. We used no compass. We simply walked as if we were being drawn by a string.

It was the night of the 4th of First Seed when we arrived. We set up camp, and prepared for the assault.