Magum Ars Militaris: A Study on the Efficacy of Magick Schools in War Part I

by Jarik Perun, Imperial Battlemage 4E201

I would like to start this series with a foreword about my namesake and a little about myself. NO, I am not a Nord! Yes, I am a proud Imperial. I do believe that it is true folly to think that a Colovian, such as myself, cannot master the arcane arts like the Nibeneans so proudly bluster on about. I contend that only Colovians, who have seen the horrible realities of war, can truly understand the tactical knowledge necessary to take on the role of Battlemage in the Legion.

That being said, I shall begin with an oft overlooked school of Magick in the world of the battlemage: Alteration. Young mages should learn now that your role in war is not to "rack up kills like some bloody barbarian". It is far deeper and more tactical than that.

I will go through individual spells and their uses in war magic one by one and in some cases in groups if I feel the spells in question serve a similar purpose. Now, let us begin.

Magelight and it's ilk: Can you see in the dark? I didn't think so. Magelight, in all seriousness, is more vital than it is given credit for. Given, it is not as glorious as fireballing a whole platoon of enemy soldiers. But, it can be used to light up areas where archers should focus their volley's or where siege weapons should unleash their payloads. It may also be used to signal fellow squadrons that you are in need of help and/or backup.

Waterbreathing: This spell may indeed save the lives of you and your fellow soldiers one day. It can be used for a daring surprise attack on an enemy. Or it may be used to facilitate one's own escape!

Detect Life: Hidden enemies can be the bane of entire legions if not properly dealt with. One may use this spell to spot any number of those involved in subterfuge and scouting, use wisely.

Mage Armor and it's ilk: Mage Armor is, simply put, a method to save your own hide. Of course the use of this spell is limited to the lightest of armored mages, it can save your life. And in doing so, you may stick in the fight long enough to save the lives of your fellow soldier in turn.

Telekinesis: A simple enough skill, no? In battle one should not be so confident. Telekinesis is one of the trickier spells to utilize in combat. Only the most skilled of mages can stop a volley of arrows mid-flight with such a spell! I do not recommend practicing stopping flying arrows in your own studies. I'm amazed after my own practices to still have both of my own eyes intact, to be honest!

Paralyze and Mass Paralysis: Mass Paralysis can turn the tide of an entire battlefield! It takes absolute concentration and should be used wisely and cautiously, as you will be vulnerable. Paralysis in it's simplest form is still very powerful in it's own right. A single cavalryman may be thrown from his paralyzed horse and could very well ruin an entire cavalry charge, if they fall in the right direction.

This concludes my chapter on Alteration. Surely I have not covered all bases, but that's the savage beauty of war magic: new tactics are discovered every day! Next chapter we shall cover destruction! it's more complex than fireballs! I promise you that much.

Above all else, keep learning. Long live the emperor, long live the Empire!