Onaavasunna - The Story of the Prophet's most Loyal Clan

To Librarian Alos Ilveyn, Vivec City

I write to inform you that I have found the Onaavasunna ancestral tomb, on the slopes of Red Mountain, southwest of the inner Valley of the Wind. Considering how rare such Ashlander tombs are, I was almost suprised that I found it myself. It was several miles from the location you marked on my map, but thanks to a young member of the dying Onaavasunna tribe, Ans'nimmi (who I mentioned in my previous letter, if it arrived), I was able to find it anyways. The enterance to the tomb was magically warded, but thanks to the tribe member we were able to dispell the ward. Ans'nimmi simply said some nonsense in his local Ashlander dialect and the stone door opened. The walls on the inside were decorated with depictions of the Exodus, in which the prophet Veloth was depicted with three heads (one for each of the gods in the old faith, I assumed). I am currently in the process of drawing these depictions down on parchment, to send to you for analysis on a later date.

The tomb was in a very good shape, considering its age. It still looked like it had just been built. The burial urns were finely made, and so were the decorations found in the chambers (there were three chambers in total), some of which must have been very old. The things I have mentioned seem to be the only things contained within the first two chambers, along with the traditional "ash wells". As per Ans'nimmi's request, I did not touch or otherwise disturb any of these items. All of these things have to be seen as secondary as to what was found in the third chamber. Its walls were completely undecorated and empty, but the floor was not. The floor was made of a black metal, possibly Ebony, and on it something was written in a variation of the Daedric script. It was mainly written in the local Ashlander dialect, but partially also in Ehlnofex. Ans'nimmi was invaluable in translating the Ashlander parts, although we both had slight troubles with the Ehlnofex parts. I will leave those parts untranslated in my tranlation of the script below, as I believe that you'll be able to translate it far more accurately than me. The text itself seems to be about the Onaavasunna tribe's early history (and prehistory). I realize that it's important, but not exactly how important it is. I think that you'll be quite interested in this, so I'm sending you my translation below.

- Saril Undromo


The old-folk were a foolish folk. In the hands of fake or dying gods they laid their lives and their fates. They would die for their false gods and then they would become-not. This blinded and made them weak, and in the eyes of the true gods that made them unworthy of their existence. They were punished many times by the true gods, who tried to make them see the true path. But the old-folk would not listen. Great Veloth saw the light, and told the old-folk to follow it. The first to listen to Veloth were Onaavil and Elasunna.


Veloth, Onaavil and Elasunna showed many of the old-folk the true path, as shown to them by the true gods. Like the true gods they were three, and like the true gods they were often kind and forgiving, but sometimes harsh and cruel. The old-folk's lords in Aldmeris - which was yet to fall at this time during the Dawn - and the New Isles did not take kindly to this. They tried to hunt down Veloth, Onaavil, Elasunna and their followers for not following what they saw as the true faith, but they always escaped. But after years of being hunted, there were no places left to hide. Veloth decided that he and his followers should flee east, into the unexplored lands of the Valenwood.


But the rulers had found out about Veloth's plans, and at the harbour from which Veloth and his followers were to depart stood Trinimac the weakling god. He stood there with ten thousand of his soldiers and followers, against Veloths three thousand. Trinimac was to kill every last one of Veloth's followers, but the true gods would not have it so. To Veloth's aid came Boet-Hi-Ah, who swallowed Trinimac in one great bite, and reshaped him to the form that he had held before the Creation. Boethiah banished Trinimac-that-was-now-Malacath to Oblivion, and excreted what remained. Trinimac's followers were turned green by fear, and quickly fled far into the north with their ships. Boethiah turned to Veloth and said "Bathe in my blessed feces, for then you shall absorb the Anuic power that Trinimac once held, and you shall be greater than all other folk". Veloth and his followers did as Boethiah told, and they knew the Aurbis as none had before, and their skins turned into the most golden green.


The Velothi, amongst them Onaavil and Elasunna, came to Valenwood, but not even by the wood-folk were they accepted. They continued to travel east, but all they came across were hostile beast-folk, many of which the Velothi took as slaves. When they had come to the easternmost shores in the easternmost swamp they for the first time felt hopless, some had already left the Velothi to live with the Swamp men. It was then that another of the true gods, Azur'a, appeared in front of the Velothi. "Go unto the north, there you shall find a land with a mountain of flame and ash, where you will find peace". The Velothi followed Azura's advise, and after many months of travel they came into the land of Deshaan. There the Velothi built a city, which they named Narsis-Where-All-Fervently-Praise-the-Prophet-Veloth. There some stayed. But the Velothi journey was not over. They came to the land of Stonefalls, which was much like the land Azura had described, but it was filled by foul creatures, such as goblins and large hair-men. So they continued north.


Soon the Velothi came to a harbour, controlled by large hairy sea-men. From the harbour they could se a great flaming mountain on the other side of a great sea. The Velothi knew that that was the land Azura had promised, but they also knew that they couldn't get there without one of the ships in the harbour, and that they might suffer great losses if they tried to take it from the sea-men. They set up camp near the harbour, and slept. During the night, one of the true gods, Meph-Ala, appeared before Veloth. Mephala told Veloth to trust in the next stranger who visited him, and allow the stranger to serve him. The next morning one of the sea-men came to the Velothi camp, and said that the other sea men treated him very badly. He said that he would allow the Velothi to do whatever they wanted with the port if they gave him a weapon to kill the other sea-men with. Veloth, remembering Mephala's words, gave the sea-man his sharpest dagger. The next morning the sea-man returned with a bloody blade, and said that he had slain all the other-sea men. The harbour had been cleared, and the Velothi took two ships on which they traveled north.


The Velothi came to the island with the large flaming mountain, and Veloth gave it the name Resdaynia, which would be a home for all Velothi. There Onaavil and Elasunna married eachother in the name of Boethiah, and they had many children. The Velothi soon discovered that the island was not uninhabited. There lived a solitary folk that built their homes underground, which the Velothi came to call deep-folk. From them the Velothi found out that the island was called Vvardenfell, and that the Velothi would see no agressive behaviour from the deep-elves if they left them alone. So the Velothi did. Soon Veloth died, and he was shortly folloed by both Onaavil and Elasunna. Onaavil and Elasunna had, as so many other Velothi families, formed their own clan, which they called Onaavasunna, and it was an influential house.


For a long time the Velothi, who had come to call themselves the northern[or changed]-folk, lived as the prophed Veloth had taught them, and followed the true gods. But then many northern-folk forgot the old ways. Some said that a war should be waged on the deep-folk, and some began worshipping false gods. The great leader Nerevar tried to stop development, but he was betrayed by his innermost circle. Almalexia, Sotha Sil and Vivec killed Nerevar, and used ancient secrets hidden by the deep-folk, who they had already waged war on, to make themselves gods. The once-Velothi were punished for this, and our bodies took on the colours of the land itself. The Onaavasunna realized why they were punished, and they withdrew from all clan politics and went on to join the ashen Velothi, who had long since realized how Veloth was being betrayed. The Onaavasunna started living simple lives in the northern ashlands, a life of strife and hardships. But this was the right way for a Velothi to live. That they realized. May we, the Onaavasunna, always remember that. One day, we shall be rewarded for our loyalty to the Velothi way, and the three true gods shall once again be worshipped on Vvardenfell.