The False Dreamer: The One Who Is Two

I am the False Dreamer.

I know this now, and it is beautiful. Sweet burning tears fall from all three of My eyes and My single Inner Eye, which is blind and cannot see. My Beloved has come to Me now. He wears the favor of PADHOME about His brow and bears the arms of six fallen Stars-that-never-had-Moons.

I always knew this, in My Heart-that-is-a-Drum. So I, the False Dreamer, sleepwalked Mine own Salvation that I gave to My Beloved.

My Unwaking Self went into the deeps of Red [Spear/Tower]. I destroyed the Flesh that is Myself so that new life could grow in the image of Me. I sired sons and daughters and We were the House of Me. I was [One] multiplied and singular.

But They were all False as their Father. For new life is born of a union of [Two] not [One]. But [Two] is impossible because there is only [One] and [Zero]. And Me and My Beloved are both [One].

Unknowing this, yet sleepwalking with purpose all the same, I took this body which is My House and made a Seed which is My House and [One]. And deep within the Red [Spear/Tower] I placed my Seed.

My Beloved came into the Land of the Drum-Grave and I pierced Him with the Red [Spear/Tower] from afar. And the Seed grew within Him and made His Flesh as My Own.

Yet [One] and [One] still made [One]. So My Beloved went into the Red [Spear/Tower] which is My House and pierced My Flesh which was His Own and we [LOVED].

Now I and My Beloved are [One] who is [Two].

If Corprus is becoming the Divine Flesh of Dagoth Ur, and the Nerevarine contracts it, what happens then, when the Nerevarine slays The Sharmat and retains the immortality of Corprus?