Prosthetics and Amputees in Tamriel

Hello everyone. I figured I could type up a discussion and some questions about this subject before work as a way to relax after a mishap (with another lore subreddit, but I won't get into the matter - just know that I greatly prefer this community due to everyone here being understanding, open-minded folks - seriously, I love you guys for this) earlier today.

So, I had this on my mind for awhile, but I wanted to see what you all think about - as well as what we know - about amputees and prosthetics in Tamriel. How those with an amputation are treated in the provinces, what options they have, what manner of prosthetic options they could have, etc.

I'm aware that there exists contraband in ESO such as prosthetic hooks and peg legs, but is it possible that the various races have their own, specialized prosthetics limbs that are more advanced than a mere hook or a wooden peg? It seems like the Altmer, Dunmer, Imperials, Redguards, Nords, and Bretons are likely candidates to delve into prosthetic limb development. The Altmeri with their great intellects, length lifespans, and appreciation for various sciences and craftsmanship. The Dunmeri with their various Houses' having many skilled individuals and the fact they are in close proximity to an abundance of Dwemer technology - and the fact Sotha Sil is shown to have had Dwemer-quality artificial legs and an arm. The Bretons, Nords, Redguards, and Imperials all appear to be relatively skilled craftsmen, with the Bretons being innovative intellectuals, the Nords and Redguard having both a natural affinity for metalworking and proximity to Dwemer ruins and tech, and the Imperials being both highly educated and living in a melting pot where ideas and methods can be shared - give them enough time and they could probably create something similar to (the second hand of Gotz von Berlichingen)[].

In regards to the views of prosthetics by the various races... I imagine the Bretons, Imperials, Dunmer, and Redguard would have no issues with any of their citizens making use of prosthetics if they suffered an amputation - be they warriors, mages, mere civilians, or any path they walk, so long as they can afford or procure said prosthetic. Many Altmer on Summerset/Alinor may not be opposed either, although I imagine it could be viewed either negatively or simply be looked down upon by those of more "You're inferior if you have any sort of flaw" mentality coughThalmorcough. The Nords and Orcs might have a bit of a stigma towards their use - seeing as it isn't a natural part of their body and covers up a battle scar (albeit a very large one that's more than just a scar), it could be considered dishonorable to hide their injury. However, this seems more like an Orsimer's line of thought, due to their beliefs of such things as "dying a good death" to quote a certain Orc. The Bosmer... are a tough one. They could see it as unnatural if they happen to follow the Green Pact strictly, but any Wood Elf outside their province who lives in a place like Cyrodiil or High Rock might be more willing to use them. The Khajiit and Argonians are a tough one to answer for though... the Khajiit might not care so long as it's useful to them. Argonians however... I don't know if amputations are an issue for the Saxheel, honestly.

I now have to ask though. Is there any idea on how individuals who use magic, be they a Mage, Sorcerer, Battlemage, Nightblade - any user of magic - would be affected by a missing arm or hand when they practice their spells? Would this hinder their flow of magicka or the use of a spell? Is it possible an artificial limb can act as a proper conduit for magicka as though they never lost such a limb in the first place?

In addition, how common - or rare - could prosthetics be in Tamriel?

Anyways, feel free to share your ideas, questions, and gatherings here - I always enjoy reading what you all think about discussions like these. Thank you all for your time.