[C0DA-Apocrypha] The catch of the Fullmer-Khajiit

The first german C0DA ever! Written by David Schwamborn (me) and translated by me, just for you. I realy hope you like it!

The Fullmer Belroi Kzrezchyn drove through the Foyada Ashur-dan on the lookout of the ash centurion. The vehicle was drawn by an armored giant-scrib that was dug through the ground and only thin steel ropes suggested an underground drive. However, Celetil Shanyrwen, one of Lord Vivec's failed attempts to cross the Falmer tonality with those of the other mer, also called Fail-Mer controlled the vehicle.

"What are we looking for, what are we looking for?!" Celetil shouted excitedly, his hands on the handlebar. He looked over his shoulder at Belroi. Celetil's face was pale, almost light blue, and his eyes of different sizes were only surpassed by his grotesquely crooked teeth as an eye-catcher.

"A Khajiit, who has been seen around here!" Belroi shouted, trying to drown out the noise of the headwind. He stroked his golden skin and pulled the goggles over his red eyes. He reached for the lens of his glasses and turned them a few millimeters, increasing his sight by several hundred foot.

A storm front was seen in the distance of the Foyada and a person whose extended back shows a tail of a Khajiit.

Belroi smiled and slapped twice on the roof of the golden ash-centurion, and Celetil looked at him. With a growl, Belroi pointed to the front and the unsuccessful-Mer jumped up briefly in the driver's seat, struck both soles against each other and laughed.

The farther they went along the Foyada and claimed the cradles of the centurion, the faster Belrois two hearts beat.

The dark ash wall of the storm before them, in which the Khajiit had already hidden, came ever closer. With his arm prosthesis, Belroi grabbed his back and pulled his light brown hood over his horned forehead. Then the centurion raced into the storm front, and he had to cling to the gold frame of his lookout so he did not hurled away.

The roar of the wind ached in his ears, but he did not let himself be irritated and knocked against the car again, and Celetil glanced at him through his straight-set glasses.

The protector, with his pointing and middle finger, imitated a walk and both step out directly into the storm.

A crackle sounded in his ears. "Why do we get off, Belroi?" Celetil asked in the dream-sleeve-communication.

"The Foyada ends in a dead end! South are mountains, eastward the lava drinkers!"

"Aye, sir!"

"Look behind every rock and under every hill where the cat could hide."

The dreamsleebe-communication crackled again, and Celetil brushed his anti-material rifle.

Belroi held his finger to his ear. "Not the gun. In this low-sight, it will inevitably come to close combat. Take your sword!"


Both of them drew their vibrating blades.

After a few moments, the fail-Mer in the impenetrable storm was nowhere to be seen, and Belroi continued slowly, on the other side of the Foyada.

He saw a rock which a cat could be hiding behind without problems and a long tail waved in the wind just behind the stone.

He switched on the vibration of his blade and slowly approached, briefly activated his communication and then deactivated it again. So he gave Celetil a crack in his ear. A sign that he had to wait for Belroi's answer.

A shouting sounded and the protector started, jumped onto the rock and looked behind it, it was a skeleton corpse, on which a little cloth hung and which swings in the wind.

And like a keyword, the storm passed by, offering a clear view. Immediately, Belroi turned around and was struck by the powerful glow of the Dwemer wall, which encircled the entire red mountain. He re-activated his communication. "Report!" He cried, but no one replied.

Now that the sight was clear again, Belroi drew his rifle and held the backsight on his eye. He was aiming behind every rock and behind every hill, while he was moving forward.

On one of these hills he finally found the body of Celetil. He stood erect before him, stabilized by the spears that had pierced him. Belroi went on, lokk to every sound he heard. Only a few stones that fell down a slope in the distance, then a gust of wind from the front, and finally a heavy breathing.

Immediately, he aimed the weapon at the crack on the Foyada wall from which the breathing came. An unusual cool wind blew Belroi in the face as he approached.

"Get out immediately!" He shouted, activating the levitation swirl of his weapon. The violet ray sucked ashes and pebbles between Belrois's feet and broke them into individual particles that could be shot at any time.

A low hiss sounded from the gap and Belori loaded a particle into the barrel of his rifle. "Last warning, kitty. Be a good one and come out."

A small light appeared in the black of the gap, and the Fullmer rolled to the side to avoid the approaching fireball that exploded behind him.

When he straightened, Belori saw a silhouette that ran away. He aimed with his rifle and the blue haze came out of the cooling gaps and he fired. With a thundering noise the tiny particle shoot through the leg of the Khajiit and the Fullmer ran as his target fell to the ground.

The Khajiit yelled for help, and before Belroi reached him, a spear dug in front of his feet in the pitch-black ground.

His gaze rushed up on the slopes of the Foyada walls, and innumerable Khajiit in Plasssteel-armors stood on both walls, in their hand vibrating spears that could eat through every matter.

With a jump Belroi hurried to the Khajiit on the ground, threw himself on him, lifted him up and held his weapon to the skull. "Drop weapons!" A Khajiit cried from one of the walls. "No spear will kill me fast enough so I can not shoot your friend a second asshole in his face!" Belroi shouted, his hearts beating faster and faster.

"He is your miscarriage!" Cried a Khajiit. "You are responsible for him!"

And when Belroi noticed the oddly hairless back of his hostage, he turned the Khajiit around and looked into his face. The sight almost drove his eyes out of his head and gave him a shudder over the whole body. It was a Fullmer, but with the face of a Khajiit.

Belroi swallowed. "Turn around," he said, and the Khajiit obeyed. Quickly the Fullmer activated his dreamsleeve-communicator at the ear and again took his hostage with the quicktime free hand. "Belroi Kzrezchyn here. Protector number 5-8-0-6-2-1-3-0-0. Please come in."

He breathed more tightly and closed his eyes briefly before a cracking sounded in his ear. "Here Ministry. We hear you!"

"I am here in the Foyada Ashur-dan. I am threatened by countless Khajiit on the walls. Need support. Immediately! Alarm-Level Red."

"Repeat, protector. Red?"

"Yes. I have a Fullmer-Khajiit hybrid. Repeat. A Fullmer-Khajiit hybrid!"

"Ha ha! Roger that!"

A crackle sounded in the ear and a loud hum, followed by bright hiss in the sky. The Khajiits on the walls looked high, and the largest, manned flying Aristation of existence appeared from a crack in space. Greater than the Battlespire and with more crew than citizens Skyrim had before this flying fortress-ship destroyed the land. The flagship of the Ministry of Truth: Baar Dau.

The golden stabilizer and energy-generating rings that spun around the massive meteorites blurred briefly in Belrois's eyes as the rock hovered high up on the firmament.

Again a crack in the ear. "Oh man!" Serdona Sarethi shouted to him. "Fuck many cats on the walls."

"I know, Serdona. What help do you send?" "Mh! Again the Khajiit, aye? Lord Vivec has authorized the drop of our deterrence. This will certainly ensure the necessary pressure in peace talks, my sweetheart. They should flee to be elswhere!"

"You do not want to -" Then the communication broke off and an explosion sounded in the air, followed by a blaze from Baar Dau. Belroi opened his eyes and threw himself, with the Khajiit in his arms to the ground, than a huge explosion and shock devastated the land.

When Belroi rose, he saw nothing but a huge shadow in the agitated wall of dust. He held his weapon to the skull of Kahjiit again.

Then, as the dust subsided, the Fullmer looked up and the drop revealed itself to be the repaired Akulakhan, who was renewing after the destruction of Skyrim.

The Titan looked around, then at Belroi, who was already standing. As the Titan raised his arm, a rough wind blew through the Foyada. The Titan drew a deep breath. "Hi," he shouted in a metal voice. It was controlled by the supreme-protector of tonality: Indoril Nerevar.

Suddenly spears flew to the Titanium and bounced off and Akulakhan brushed his flaming sword. With a stroke, he destroyed the entire right side of the Foyada and with unrivaled precision, Indoril halved each Khajiit on the Foyada with a twisting movement.

"Do you save me now?" Asked the Khajiit and Belroi frowned.