Disclosure on the Hist, part 1 - On Their Nature






^The ^stone ^household ^by ^the ^river ^makes ^a ^contact ^with ^Oblivion...

Forgive me, you may ignore the words above. I experiment the sound of this language in my mind, the feel for these words in my writing. If you are about to deal with an unfamiliar tongue you never hear spoken for extensive amounts of work, proceed with caution and respect.


I am Te-Ix, Sap-Speaker of the Gee-Rusleel, and I am an elder with the will to teach. The rivers surrounding my people's villages are filled with all sorts of outsiders. Soldiers, slavers, clerks, Daedra. Outsiders those, who find only two possible outcomes to their ventures in the Marsh: death or confusion. One can not be remedied. The other, I believe, is my duty to revert. To all of those from the dry lands who get a glimpse of our lives, to all the Heartland Deers who fear the Guar for finding nourishment where they see death, to all your countless empires and dominions, I aim at you.

De teto kxihist, I want to talk about the Hist.

You may have heard of the great trees native to Black Marsh from an Argonian astray in your Homeland. You might know them as the mysterious trees that all Argonians' lives revolve around. For clarification, knowing of the great Hist and its relation with all life forms is valuable for all provinces, as you may be surprised to find they are more commom to the Arena than people. The Hist are trees, as much as you are your own thoughts. They envelop and partake in every aspect of nature. In the wood and hay that make up your beds. In the stone of castles and the iron of chains. Outsider scholars have concluded the Hist to be spore-based life forms, and while this is similar, the truth is a little more subtle.

The Hist exist as a fragment of creation. The same energy that makes up the structures of our world, from your ancestors to the truths that help you find sense in existence. And just as your ancestors found more consistency and meaning in your simian-like shape, the Hist have found flora to be their most expressive manifestation. Wherever the hist essence is abundant, they can grow into majestic trees despite the absence of seeds and resources. But that is merely a condensation of the hist that was already there. Mehtto-Xal-Thtithil.

Their choice of predominant shape as trees is no accident. Keep in mind what trees do. A tree will take what it needs to survive, be it water or nutrients, but it will not grow taller than the length its sap can run. Hist saxhto. Its roots may spread wide but not deep, for the surface is where its nutrients are most abundant. These traits are the basis of the hist philosophy that imbue all Argonians who are true to their Uxith. Gather what you need. Do not crave for what you can not handle. Look not onto your barren interiors, but to the vast wheel surrounding you. Next time you ponder on the actions of Argonians in times of conflict and oppression, take these notions into consideration.