[Apocrypha] Field Journal #1 The Army of the Burrows

Field Journal 1 By Graduate of the Imperial Battle College Legionaire Una Senyan 3E 414 4th of Last Seed

This is my first campaign journal. Clearly it will not be as educational as the field journals of Legate Blackwell in her expeditions to Elsweyr, but I hope that by writing down my experiences I can better retain the lessons life teaches.

I have been transferred to a Breton force out of Wayrest as part of the Empire's Foreign Legion Exchange of Tactics.

As fourth out of my class at the Imperial Battle College I have the honour of Imperial Advisor of Logistics attached to Lord Odvan Yoemford's Army of the Burrows.

Honestly if the name is anything to go by I have a lot to learn about the Bretons. But my first assignment is a hefty one. The Army of the Burrows (honestly the name makes me giggle every time) is on a mission, according to Yoemford, to cull some of the 'pigs' (orcs) who have been straying 'too far from their pen'.

The lectors at the Battle College impressed upon me the strength and savagery native to the orcs. But with the Army of the Burrows (Stendarr save that name) being 200 strong, 220 with auxiliary personell, I feel that we have little to worry about. We're going to push into the mountains, about a week over the border.

I took the advice of one of the vets and bought a potion to keep me warm. Hopefully I won't need it. The alchemist that sold it to me said I reminded him of his niece and gave me the recipe to make more. The old coot was so charming I bought a mortar and pestle from him.

As Imperial Advisor of Logistics (I wonder if I can get that sewn onto my uniform?) I figure it is my duty to research new materiel. And it might be fun, who knows?

10th of Last Seed

We're two days out at this point. It's raining. It's cold. Not very fun. But I'm still excited, who knows what we could find?

I've made a point of checking in on all the soldiers. Some of the other officers, Elona in particular, say that it's a waste of highborn's time to 'talk with the rabble' but what do these Bretons know? Chief Wizard Elona (why can't the provinces use the legions method of ranking? I think it's similar to a Battlemage?) would rather talk to an atronach than a soldier.

I'm sure once we get into the mountains they'll see that spells are no replacement for troops, else why have the soldiers in the first place? Bretons place too much faith in spells and enchantments and all this daedra business gives me the jeebies.

I understand that the atronachs are excellent frontline troops but surely mages could help in other ways. We have no restoration mage and fear of frostbite makes me glad I bought the recipe to make the potion again. I'll keep an eye out snowberries and purple flowers. If I can make some more I'm certain to win over the soldiers.

13th of Last Seed

The scouts found a few hunting blinds on the upper slopes. They haven't seen any orcs so far but the company is on high alert. On Yoemfords order we knocked down the blinds.

An afternoon wasted. Even with half the company hacking at the logs. Elona ended up summoning a flame atronach and incinerating the wood. The soldiers took to the inferno with a gusto, and even I admitted it was nice to be warm for a night but I'd rather be a little chilly and safe than warm and announced.

I told Yoemford that this would only give away our position but the young lord deferred to his fellow Breton's opinion that the smoke would scare them. If the orcs in these mountains are anything like the Legion recruits from Orsinium then scared is probably not going to be their reaction.

It seems the Breton's war academies teach little besides the benefits of nepotism. But far be it from me to criticise the all knowing battlemages. I just wish Lord Yoemford would listen to my advice.

16th of Last Seed

We heard horns this morning. We left the smoking blinds two days behind us. When I turned on my horse and looked down towards the border I could still see the smoke rising. One of the vets in the company, Thadd, tells me that the orcs of Wrothgar are 'a different breed than civilised orcs'. I don't know if he means they are different like the varied types of Khajiiti or if they are simply stronger from a tougher life in the mountains.

I found some of those purple mountain flowers but I had to requisition some snowberries from the company chef, guy did not like that I was going to try and make a potion with his precious ingredients. Zenithar save me from these insufferable Bretons.

The horns worry me. The orcs want us to know that our presence is noticed. Which is either a bluff to get us to back off or a promise. Orcs aren't known for bluffing.

25th of Last Seed

The soldiers are warming up to me. I've been walking their campfires and I joined the scouts once on patrol.

We've been in the mountains for almost two weeks now but we still haven't had any contact with the orcs besides the horns. Lord Yoemford and the others say that our company has them running from us. Thadd and the other vets don't agree. And I'm more inclinded to listen to Thadd.

It's getting colder the deeper into the mountains we get, but my practice with the herbs is working. The scouts told me that the potions definitely work but they only last an hour. Maybe I should invest in one of those alembics the old coot mentioned?

28th of Last Seed

We made contact. Sort of. Scouts came back saying they spotted a small camp of orc hunters in a ravine to the west. Lord Yoemford roused the whole camp and ordered us off immediately. I tried to get details from the scouts but when Elona 'suggested' to Lord Yoemford that I should stay with the camp guard he agreed immediately. Thadd and a few other vets are staying with me at the camp which is small comfort. I came here to heft my mace, not just tote my ledgers.

I told him I thought it was suspicious that the orcs would camp out in the open when we saw how well hidden they make their blinds. Thadd agreed with me but what can I do? I'm just some legionairre on loan.

The vets and I ourselves useful and tightened up the palisade of the camp. I found some blue flowers that I think might aid healing but I don't know what to mix them with. I've heard blisterwort is a common medicinal recipe but there's none of that this high up. Fancy that. I came here to become a captain and it looks like I might end up being an alchemist.

29th of Last Seed

It was a trap. Yoemford rode into camp just before nightfall. Two squads lost. The orcs the scouts spotted drew the company deeper in the ravine. When they engaged the hunters arrows rained down from above and an avalanche sealed them in. I don't know for certain that the orcs triggered the snowfall but Yoemford mentioned hearing drums before the snow fell.

Elona melted a path back out of the ravine but it was slow going. Most of the horses were killed by arrows and the company had to lock shields to make it out safely. I was most diplomatic when I reminded the battlemages that I suspected a trap but have been assigned defense detail while they 'plan a counter-attack'.

I'll just keep making this temporary camp more permanent using my extensive Imperial Battle College training while they sit in the command tent and poke their wands at maps. On a brighter note Tufil the chef has warmed up to me and even gave me some rock warbler eggs to go with my flowers. Some healing potions wouldn't go astray. But all things considered the company made it out of the ambush lightly. I feel like the orcs are testing us.

30th of Last Seed

The horns have started again. They haven't stopped since the night after the company was ambushed. The orcs are warring against our minds. It's difficult to sleep. The soldiers have physically recovered (those that were able) but morale is low.

I've told Yoemford my concerns about staying here this long but the young lord is indecisive. At least until Elona opens her mouth. That mage is getting on my nerves. We've been caught in an ambush. We can either retreat with our noses bloodied or we can push on further. The only stupid choice is to do nothing which is exactly what that Breton thinks we should do. And if SHE thinks we should do that then the bumbling Lord will as well.

I was told Lord Yoemford was one of the best knights Bretony had to offer, I thought I saw that when we marched out of Wayrest, but now I just look at him and think he's one of the best knights Bretony has to offer.

So by day we fell trees and strengthen our palisades. We've dug a shallow ditch at the circumference but the frozen soil is stubborn. None of the officers were out there swinging a pickaxe. They just stay in the command tent and only come out for meals, wine, and to give vague orders to strengthen the camp. Elona HAS been walking with the scouts though, burning runes in the ground outside the camp. I don't know how effective runes will be. I'm certain that the orcs are watching. Certainly they are close enough to wind those horns from dusk till dawn.

Exploring the Wrothgarian mountains is not the simple seek and destroy campaign I was hoping for. So far the only thing I've explored is alchemy and the noble bred duncity of the Bretons. Army of the Burrows. Stendarr spare my mortality from their idiocy.

31st of Last Seed

The watch reported fires last night. The horns have been joined by drums. The orcs have surrounded the camp at all compass points. I would not normally credit it to orcs but after the ambush, I have begun to reconsider the tactical movements of the orcs.

Our company has made nothing but mistakes since we set out from Wayrest. We came with too few. Two companies might have been enough, but one company, already bloodied and with damaged morale is not the force to challenge orcs in their territory.

We burned the hunting blinds which gave them two days warning. We did not expect and ambush and the company troops were lead into the ravine. But the first mistake the company made was underestimating the orcs.

These are their mountains, no matter the lines drawn on some Breton map. Divines preserve me from their folly.

1st Heartfire

The soldiers are tense. I've taken to walking the perimeter. I don't want to sound too full of myself but I think the soldiers are calmed by my presence. Though that could be because the young Lord has finally worked up his nerve.

Our plan is to push on tomorrow morning. After giving the enemy two whole days to prepare. Lector Vivianus would have such words. Honestly, I think it was the logistics report I left at the tent the last time I was refused entry. We have barely two weeks of food left, and that's only because we lost some troops and horses. Lucky us.

I don't mind eating horse oats. Food is food. I'm looking forward to seeing those stuffy Bretons lower themselves to eating what the rank and file have to put up with.

Very well. If we must go on the offensive at least we'll have left the orcs a nicely prepared camp to wait for us in should we need to retreat. Genius.

2nd Heartfire

Two of Elona's runes woke most of the camp last night. Well, early this morning. I'm writing this as the last tents are being struck. I'm getting the most out of my basic alchemy lab before we set off.

Thadd rigged me up a snug sack to carry my potions and ingredients. WIth the satchel and potions stuck through my belt I practically look like an alchemist already. Then again the shield and mace make my profession clear.

I'll be getting some good exercise as my horse has been 'reassigned' to one of the mages. I'll bet it's Elona. Anyway, I should stop scribbling and get my equipment in order. Potions look about done too.

3rd Hearfire

The push this morning was successful, after a fashion. The company formed up within the palisade and marched against a line of orcish skirmishers. Their arrows and javelins did nothing against our shields but maintaining our formation cost us the mobility to pursue them. We barely left the camp and had our noses tweaked for our efforts.

We spent the whole day fast marching, chasing the skirmishers. The troops are out for blood. I don't think the officers could rein them in if they wanted too. Yet I still can't shake the feeling that we're being tricked again.

We're holed up at the top of a hill, the orcs already know where we are so we might as well choose somewhere defensible. Our supply state is even more concerning. If we intend to stay in the mountains we're going to have to capture enemy materiel or do some hunting. I'm going to take that brat Yoemford aside and give him the opinion he is not hearing in that command tent. Wish me luck.

3rd Heartfire

Dammit! That crab-brained


Why am I here if nothing I say is listened to? I mean, the rankers trust what I say but all the brass and blue-bloods do their best to avoid me and when I corner them I get yelled at for 'challenging my superiors' and 'reducing morale'. I'll bet those sheep-bladder brains have no concept of how their mistakes are effecting morale.

We haven't slain a single orc and the troops have lost comrades, haven't had proper rest and sleep, lackluster leadership, and now we're on the verge of marching straight into hostile lands with our mistakes glued to our eyes, so close we can't see them.

I'll have to take care where I keep this journal. I get the feeling that the officers might take more than a little offense at what I record. Well fuck 'em. If their mistakes don't get me killed I'm going to introduce this blunder of a campaign to the Imperial Battle College.