[C0DA-Apocrypha} The constitution of the Empire

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[Excerpt from the Dragon-canon of the Empire of Tamriel]

Article 1

  1. Cyrodiil is a member-state of the empire of Tamriel and divides itself into different federation communes.

  2. The national colors and the coat of arms are determined by law.

Article 2

The people express their will by means of deeds, plebiscites, and recognition of the right of the imperial family.

Article 3

  1. Legislation is open to the people and the people's representatives.

  2. The administration is in the hands of the respective regional government within the empire, the municipalities and the municipal associations.

  3. Jurisprudence is exercised by independent judges.

Article 4

  1. The fundamental rights and civil rights enshrined in the Basic Law for the empire of Tamriel in the version of the first era 23. Last seed 49 are an integral part of this constitution and directly applicable national law.

  2. Everyone is entitled to the protection of his personal information. Interventions are only permissible in the majority of public interest on the basis of a law or on the order of a senior government official.

Article 5

  1. Marriage and family are recognized as the foundations of human society. They are under the special protection of the empire. Maternity and the family with children are entitled to special care.

  2. Family and work are equivalent. According to their decision, women and men are equally entitled to family and work.

Article 6

  1. Every child has a right to respect for his dignity as an independent personality and on special protection of the realm and society.

  2. Children and young people have a right to develop and develop their personality, to protect against the violence of non-family members and / or to non-education, neglect and exploitation. Empire and society protect them from dangers for their physical, mental and spiritual well-being through excluded parties. They respect and safeguard their rights, care for age-appropriate living conditions and promote them according to their abilities and abilities.

  3. All young people should be given the full opportunity to take part in vocational training and to pursue professional activities if a certain percentage is exceeded.

  4. The right of participation of the Church, as well as of the associations of the Free Welfare Service in matters of the promotion of the family, of child and youth welfare, is guaranteed and is to be encouraged.

Article 7

  1. Reverence for the gods, respect for the dignity of man, and the desire to arouse social action, is the chief aim of education.

  2. Youth should be educated in the spirit of humanity, monarchy and freedom, tolerance and respect for the conviction of the other, responsibility for animals and the preservation of the natural bases of life, in love for the people and home, for the community of nations and society peace sentiments.

Article 8

  1. Every child is entitled to education. The right of the parents to determine the education and education of their children is not available. The community has to ensure that the school system meets the cultural and social needs of the child.

  2. There is general compulsory schooling. The details are governed by a law.



  1. No province may, without the consent of the emperor, raise tons of money, maintain troops or warships in peace, conclude agreements or treaties with any of the other States or with a foreign power or enter into a war unless it is actually attacked or the Danger threatens so directly that this does not tolerate any delay.

  2. As treason against the Emperor, only the conduct of war against them or the support of their enemies is by means of assistance and favor. No one shall be found guilty of treason, except on the basis of the testimony of two witnesses on the same manifest act or on the basis of a confession in a public court session. The emperor or a representative appointed by him has the right to impose a sentence on treason. However, the legal consequences of the treason shall not result in a loss of honor or a loss of property beyond the conviction of the convicted person.



  1. No legionnaire may be quartered in a house without the consent of the owner, and in times of war only in the legally prescribed manner.

  2. No one shall be held liable for a capital offense or any other offensive offense, except on the basis of an application or prosecution by a court. Exceptions are cases which occur with the land or naval forces or with the militia when they are in active service in the war or in the event of a public emergency. No one may be prosecuted twice for the same offense by a trial in danger of body and life. No one may be deprived of his right to self-evidence, nor to be deprived of life, liberty or property in a criminal case, without prior ordinary legal proceedings. Private property may not be without adequate Compensation for public purposes.

Articles on the "Act of Mercy"

  1. The purpose of the act of mercy is to protect the Empire, the state, and the population of the empire. This is the top priority.

  2. After the war has been declared, every possession of the citizens of theempire is transferred to the empire. Furthermore, land and property can be confiscated and used on behalf of the empire.

  3. In the course of a war, ready-to-fight citizens of the imperial empire can and must be handed over to the military. A basic training course will be provided if not already succeeded.


If the population of the empire falls below a minimum, which is not specified in detail, the act of mercy is extended.

  1. The establishment of so-called brood farms is initiated by respective administrators of the empire.

  2. Women in 14-59 years of age have to report to the administrator or officer to have their fertility checked by a selected physician based on the fertility-table.

  3. At a value of more than 20, a woman aged 14-59 is reported to be one of the nearby breeding farms.

  4. Men aged 14-60 are examined for their fertility, based on the fertility table.

  5. If the value exceeds 15, they are escorted to the breeding farms.

  6. Within the breeding farms, the woman always has the right to choose a sexual partner and the duty to be fertilized.

  7. If the woman strictly refuses, the paralysis of her body is a permissible method of fertilization.

  8. Between the learning-up of the woman and the man to the sexual intercourse, can pass away up to three weeks.

  9. Love relations arising from this act have privileges for marriage, if desired by both parties.

  10. May the gods help us, should this act come reality!