Summary: A Study on the Kaoc-Visuth of Black Marsh

4th of Sun's Dusk, 4E 200

The fauna of Black Marsh is about as impressive -and vulgar- as the land itself. From revenous monstrosities hidden beneath the soil to colonies of parasites invisible in sun light. The wood shell of various dead trees may hide eggs of deadly insects that eclode and lay another generation on a daily cycle, and half of the vines in the marsh's canopies tend to be camouflaged snakes (or, as observed, a single unusually long snake).

As the environment is mostly hazardous, most species have little choice other than sharing niches, which, as so happens in any habitat, invariably leads to competition. Survival of the fittest seems to affect even this hopeless, fetid spot.

This summary is aimed at one of the fittest. The Kaoc-Visuth, or Shit-Feathers in the common tongue, as it has been vulgarly, but not inaccurately, named by the locals.

This notable bird, standing at the height of the average Altmer's waist when erect upon its two feet, inhabits the region of Murkmire, most commonly near the villages of the Kota-Vimleel tribe. Its long, ebony-colored beek bares two thin chains of sharp fangs, each capable of cutting moonstone like steel through wool. Its wingspan is only slightly shorter than that of the Summerset Eagle, and its feathers, when not covered in dirt, sport the wildest variety of color I've ever seen in a single living specimen. Reds more violent than Imperial banners. Greens more vivid than the creations of Y'ffre. Golds brighter than our very sun.

Despite its teeth suggesting a predative nature, the Kaoc-Visuth does not hunt. Instead, it is one of the many birds of the region that feed off of a prey's carcass. They will fly near packs of Kagouti, Wamasu, Giant Snakes, Crocodiles and predators on end, waiting for them to locate, kill and feast on fresh meat. When all that is left is the undesirable remains, they fly down and take their bites over what's left. The inevitable risk in this strategy, however, as observed in other species that share the same niche, is that gorging on a prey's remains will always fill you with its scent. When flying off, any predators still on the vicinity may pick up said scent, and a bird that's normally not in the diet becomes valid game.

The namesake of the Shit-Feathers is a clever trick used to circumvent this risk. While the hunting party is still feeding, this shameless bird will locate their exposed excrement, and relentlessly cover their feathers in it. It holds nothing back, revolving, reveling and even biting through it as if it were the blessings of Auri-El himself. This seemingly senseless act of depravity serves two purposes: first, when it is finally time to bask at the leftovers, the newly acquired smell of dung puts off any other birds aiming for the same piece of meat, reducing the level of competition; secondly, this stink suffocates the scent of the carcass, preventing nearby predators from mistaking the Shit-Feathers for another prey. In fact, it generally serves as protection long after the time of the meal, as hunters in the marsh are quick to associate their own excrement with disease, which suggests the immunity of the Shit-Feathers is highly advanced, much like that of the local population.

The young offspring of the Kaoc-Visuth, yet unable to fly, is fed through regurgitation, much like with most other kinds of birds. The content regurgitated is mostly flesh, pieces of broken bone and skin. However, not surprisingly at this point, the parents also feed the children some of the excrement they cover themselves in. It is possible that the tolerance to the smell and the disease within organic waste is not inherent to them, and must be introduced at a young age.

Overall, the study of this remarkable and disgusting creature has been as pleasent as anyone could expect, but nothing could get in the way of expanding the knowledge held at Alinor in all fields of expertise.

Minelor Eridon, field researcher