At Time's End [PART 4]

Now sheltered from the blizzard, we shut the door behind us. I examined our savior as he did the same. He was a head taller than me, and wore a white-silver mask, a brilliant robe of icy white and blue, and wielded an ornate staff that hummed with energy. After a prolonged silence, he finally spoke.

“I am Krahonik,” said the man, “Who are you who walks this frozen wasteland?”

“I am Torfig Strong-Oar of Skyrim, and these are my men. Or what is left of them.”

“I see,” said Krahonik, “Why have you come to my homeland, Nord?”

“The High-King sent me to explore new lands and possible colonies.”

“You will not find any suitable land here, Nord. All who set foot here will eventually succumb to Bormahu’s void, and their souls will escape their bodies. No one shall lay claim to this land.”

A few of the men gasped, however they still silently observed the conversation between Krahonik and I.

“You’re saying that we’re going to die?” I asked.

“Indeed. Your soul will exit this plane and become a Kiir-Dokrein. However, there is still time for you to return to your home, as the effects of Bormahu-Filok are not immediate.” said Krahonik

“How long do we have?” asked one of the men.

“I do not know, as time has little meaning to me. However, I suggest you return to your High King and tell him exactly what I have told you. Do so with haste, or stay here and become one with Fin-Nilzeimlein, the Void.”

I was saddened by this revelation. In all my years under the High King’s command, I had never come back without new land for Skyrim. My party and I were sorrowfully silent.

“I understand that you may be disappointed to leave here without riches and glory, but if you wish to ever lay eyes on your shores again, you must leave this land and never return.” said Krahonik.

“Very well,” I said after a moment, “We shall return to Skyrim as soon as we can.”

“Pruzah-Miiraad. If it is your wish, I shall lead you and your men to your veysun, your ship.”

“That would be most welcome. Thank you.” I said.

“Nii-Losdiikogaan, it is my pleasure. It would do you well to rest. I shall wake you when we must leave.” said Krahonik.

Krahonik disappeared into the temple, and we unfurled our bedrolls and laid down. I shut my eyes, but could not sleep. Although it was quite obvious at this point that an Atmoran colony would fail terribly, I needed to know more. Who was Krahonik? How did he know so much? Why was he immune to Atmora’s curse? Why did he speak in so many weird phrases? These questions raced through my mind and prevented me from sleeping. And so I waited until all the men were fast asleep, and then sought the answers out myself.