Worshipping the Waves: a Coral Priestess's Sermon on Atlantoa.

Many of you will not know of Atlantoa, goddess of Seas, Storms and Shipwrecks, but she knows you. You have felt her in the waves, in the revitalising smell of sea air. You have tasted her in the fish caught after long hours of toil. Sadly, she has gone unnoticed by many of you, despite her ever-flowing mercy and love, you have turned your backs on her and banished her from memory.

For this, you shall pay! The Great Lady of the Deep shall swallow your homes, crush your lands and flood your fields. In her right hands she kindles your destruction, and in her left, she holds the secret of new life. Bow before her, repent of your ignorance and come back to her worship, or she shall churn the seas of this world and fashion better children from your destruction. Repent or you shall suffer maelstrom, you shall suffer darkness, and your land shall be added to the Deep.

Come now to her temple, and make a sacrifice in her name and you may yet avert the Coming of Waves!

-Coral Priestess Alqorah Ubd Al-Atlantoa-