A Giant Receipt

This message was issued by Dobahhǫal o Grimaz - It is to be carried by Jolvur v Littleman, o Abala, wa Kunsmic, o okh o, Jebanhalmr v Grats whose ashes we cast this past spring - It is to be carried to Loremaster Staanabaraz o Elphemir who resides north of Orotheim.

This is a bill of sale. The following items will be transferred fra' Dobahhǫal o Grimaz o at Proðgaaz to Staanabaraz o Elphemir o at North of Orotheim:

Ogum (1) Axe of ogum ogum-beðm tusk length: Its heft is gran-skal a tusk's, its helbskaff is made of askǫ and is without eyes, its neb is made of stakklio and is of brow's width, face's bend and hand's length. It is without scratch, dent, chip, or rust, or any other mark as to be unfit for sale or trade.

Beðm (3) kwoin of breeding age and good health: Zaud zbád in color, the last oruð. The latter is tattooed in the traditional matter, the former and foremost are unblemished. These beasts are without scars, or injuries, or illnesses, or any other addle or feebleness as to be unfit for sale or trade.

Zaud (2) chests of Eotonizgǫ Proðgaazis woodworks - The items therein are NOT accounted here in full. The workings include but are not limited to: Ogum lágmynd depicting Staanabaraz o Elphemir o at North of Orotheim in his youth, ogum puzzle-box made of pine, tuwah bowls. These chests and all items therein are without scuff, or splinter, or breakage of any kind, or any other disrepair or ill-make so as to be unit for sale or trade.

In return for the following above-listed items, Staanabaraz o Elphemir o at North of Orotheim is to trade the following items to Dobahhǫal o Grimaz o at Proðgaaz:

Ogum (1) bull Elpend of young age. The beast is to be unblemished, unscarred, pre-tusked, and in good health. Staanabaraz o Elphemir will provide this item or another item of similar worth if it is unavailable as decided by Jolvur v Littleman o okh o Jebanhalmr v Grats.

Beðmtuksenti (3000) kolonfoni dragons. That is to say, the currency of the Highking. These dragons are to be of official birth and in good shine and are to bear Highking Uriel's face and no other; runed upon them must be "ALVZISGVS LAV. LAVVS SANGER - NIV́AVTO AGATOSKVM , ÆDROS" with no deviation. Staanabaraz o Elphemir o at North of Orotheim will provide these items, no other item is acceptable.

These items of Staanabaraz o Elphemir are to be traded to Dobahhǫal o Grimaz, as per preägreed conduct by the second season of the next year. Jolvur v Littleman o okh o Jebanhalmr v Grats will be granted dwelling in Staanbaraz o Elphemir o at North of Orotheim's home until the trade has been complete. Any attack or rejection upon the trade-man is criminal offence and will be settled in moot. Failure of either party to complete this trade is a criminal offence and will be settled in moot.

Hjori the Bread-Maker witnessed this.