The Lunar Order

(Constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated!) Hello everyone this is my first time posting on here. While I have loved playing as a Khajiit ever since I entered TES universe, I have always had trouble coming up with a good backstory for my Paladin style characters. Khajiit lore isn't exactly Paladin or warrior friendly, unless you like Punch Cats. So basically I sat down and with canon and adding some from my head canon, wrote this about an Order I can always have my Paladin Khajiit originate from. Just looking for some feedback and see what you guys think as far as fitting Khajiit lore. Thanks!

The Lunar Order is a monastic warrior (military, knightly) order that is sanctioned and supported by the Lunar Clergy and the Mane. While not directly a part of the Lunar Clergy, as almost all Khajiit monastic orders are, the Order and Clergy work closely together as both revere the Ja-Ka’Jay. Think of it as this, the Lunar Clergy is the heart of the Ja-Kay’Jay and the Lunar order is the claws of the Ja-Ka’Jay. The claws fight to protect the heart and the body but they are free to strike as they please. The Lunar order was created for serving one purpose and need of the Ja-Ka’Jay. It is said if the Twin moons fail then the Khajiit must climb the winds and restore their order to restore and preserve the Lunar Lattice. It is this order of Fadomai to her daughter Azurah that led to the creation of the Lunar Order. While almost all Khajiit follow the Riddle’Thar to achieve Ja-Ka’Jay (balance of life) the Lunar Order follows the Riddle’Thar to not only achieve balance but to fulfill the Khajiit purpose of protecting the Ja-Ka’Jay itself. By protecting the Ja-Kay’Jay, the Lunar Order is dedicated to preserving the order of the Twin Moons just as the Khajiit were meant to do. The Lunar Order achieves Ja-Ka’Jay literally by dedicating to protect it and protect the order and balance of the Twin Moons.

The roots of the Lunar Order go back well before the first Mane, Rid-Thar-ri'Datta, spread the prophecy of the Riddle’Thar through the lands of Elsweyr. The Order originated from a nomadic clan who’s beginning were before Khajiit recorded history. This Clan, later to be known as the Lunar Clan, was a nomadic warrior tribe that mainly moved throughout the areas of Western Anequina. This area, in later years, known as Reaper’s March was always a hot spot between the Bosmer and Khajiit. Throughout the first era the Lunar Clan not only fought to survive the harsh deserts of the north, but also fought off incursions of Bosmer invaders or raiders. As time went on throughout the first era, mainly as the city of Dune grew and more nomadic tribes moved into the area to trade at Dune, the clan realized their true purpose. The Clan had always been dedicated to all the gods but especially the Twin Moons and Ja-Kay’Jay, as all Khajiit should be. After years of fighting off the Bosmer the Clan had decided that their purpose in life, how to achieve Ja-Ka’Jay, was to be defenders of the West. Mostly Dune and Reapers March. It was at this moment the Clan named themselves the Lunar Clan and took it upon themselves to nomadically patrol the border of Anequina and Valenwood, keeping out any incursions by the Bosmer and other intruders. The Lunar Clan would protect their lands and other Khajiit of Reapers March from the wood elves of Valenwood. Throughout the rest of the first era and into the second era the fierceness of the skilled warriors of the Lunar Clan was well known throughout Reapers March and even deeper into east Valenwood. About 290 years into the second era war and rebellion had broken out in the land of the Khajiit. The common folk were rebelling against the noble and ruling classes for joining the two kingdoms. The Lunar Clan had decided to try and stay neutral as they wished to defend Reapers March in the event the Bosmer wanted to take advantage of the civil war. They also did not wish to kill other Khajiit over this matter of rebellion. It was then around 300 2nd Era that the prophet, Rid-Thar-ri'Datta and his clan who acted as his protectors, had brought his prophecy of the Riddle’Thar to the Khajiit of the Lunar Clan. The Chieftain, Clan Mother, and the whole clan were enamored with the teachings of the Riddle’Thar and how it tied to the Ja-Ka’Jay. After this the Lunar Clan had dedicated themselves to the prophet and the prophecy. Acting as more protection for Rid-Thar, the Lunar Clan accompanied him throughout the lands of this new Elsweyr as he spread the teachings of the Riddle’Thar. After the Riddle’Thar was set into place and peace had been restored, the Lunar Clan had returned to the western border of Elsweyr and Valenwood. It was here that the Chieftain for many years practiced the Riddle’Thar. Through much thought and meditation, the Chieftain had come up with a new purpose for the Lunar Clan. As the Riddle’Thar was now in place and its purpose was to help guide Khajiit to the Ja-Ka’Jay, the chieftain thought it was more important now, than ever before, that the balance of the Ja-Ka’Jay must be protected. As time went on the Chieftain meditated more and eventually wrote the Riddle’Thar-Do. Simply translated to, The Path of the Warrior.

The Path of the Warrior (Riddle’Thar-Do) is a written code for members of the Lunar Order to live by. It is their doctrine and guide on the path they have chosen as protectors of the Ja-Ka’Jay. All warriors of the Lunar Order take vows before a moon bishop and the Twin Moons that they will follow the Riddle’Thar-Do. After the code had been written by the Chieftain he brought it to the Mane Rid-Thar to be approved of. The first Mane himself not only approved the Riddle’Thar-Do but thought it was necessary for the preservation and protection of the Ja-Ka’Jay. It was at this moment the Mane sanctioned the Chieftain to create an order of Khajiit whose sole purpose in life was to be dedicated to the protection of the Ja-Ka’Jay and the Twin Moons. For if the Twin Moons were to fall then it would be these warriors of this new order, who would lead all Khajiit to restore the Twin moons path. The Moon Bishop also greatly approved of the need for this order and gave the Chieftain and this new order the blessings of Jode and Jone. The three agreed upon making this new order Monastic, as its warriors would need to give up many things in life to avoid the corruption of the great darkness. At the same time though these worldly things given up were nowhere near as much or drastic as other holy type warriors of the other races. After all, the Khajiit no matter what they do, always must enjoy life. Things like skooma, stealing, among other evil things of the great darkness would be forbidden in this new order. While other pleasures like alcohol and even sex were still allowed. In moderation and control of course. Even at a certain age a member would be allowed to marry but by doing so they would have to leave the order and simply fulfill their duties amongst the new clan they would be joining with their husband or wife. It was also discussed amongst the Mane, Bishop, and Chieftain what authority this new order would fall under. After much discussion, it was decided best that while the Order would greatly hold the interest of the Mane and Clergy and always fight for them, the new Order should remain autonomous and its authority be the Twin Moons and the Ja-Ka’Jay themselves. The Bishop offered a Bishop under him and many priest and acolytes to join this new order to serve the warriors. Offer them blessings and healing when necessary. Also, to teach the new members the ways of the Ja-Ka'Jay. It was after this the Chieftain and his Bishop departed with the blessing of the Mane and the Clergy, to start this new order. He returned to his clan and told them of the news. All were eager to join and start this new order. They traveled closer to Torval so the Monastery they would construct would be close to the Mane and the Temple of the Two Moons Dance. They also made sure they would be centrally located enough in Elsweyr to always be able to respond to a threat to the Ja-Ka’Jay. Here a large and grand Monastery was built. Dedicated to the Moons and their motions. It would be here at the Monastery that the beginning of this new order, the Lunar Order, would start. This great Monastery would always house the Order and its members. A holy site of the moons and dedicated to their protection and the protection of the Ja-Ka’Jay.

One of the main enemies of the Ja-Ka’Jay are the dro-m’Athra. According to the Litter Mates of darkness written by Moon Bishop Hunal there are only two ways to defeat these dark souls.

"To banish the dro-m’Athra, there are two ways: The Way of Jone and the Way of Jode."

“Warriors use the Way of Jone, which is to unsheathe the claws and strike the darkness until it is no more. And this way is a good way, for everyone who is strong of heart and claw can use it.”

“Priests use the Way of Jode, which is to bathe the moonless dark in bright lunar light. And this way is a better way, for bent spirits thus banished do not return.”

Now that the Order had been established, the Chieftain felt it was necessary to structure the Order based on these words from Moon Bishop Hunal. The warriors of his clan and all future warriors would use the Way of Jone, striking at darkness with claw. Though they would not only use their claws but they would be proficient and well-rounded warriors. Training in the arts of swords, shields, axes, maces, and longbow. Depending on the warrior’s strengths and preferences, these would determine what weapon they would wield when in combat. Not only were warriors to be masters of their weapon they were also to be masters of their armor. Every warrior would be trained in leatherwork and blacksmithing so they would be able to create or forge their own armor. Their armor would pay homage to the Twin Moons as a warrior’s armor must represent what they fight for. It was also believed for these warriors to be well rounded, they would also be required to be masters of Restoration Magic and Alchemy. What use is a warrior if they are out alone fighting the darkness and cannot heal them self? Or if they need to create a potion to heal or cure themselves but have no knowledge of Alchemy? For this reason, the warriors of the Clan were trained by the priest in the school of Restoration Magic. They were also trained in the arts of Alchemy. This training would continue for generations and be a part of a Ja’Khajiits training as they prepared for the trials to become a member of the Lunar Order. The warriors would be the main force and backbone of the Lunar Order.

Next were the Priest and other members of the Clergy. They fell under the order of the Bishop that would be part of the Order. Their jobs would consist of assisting, training, blessing, and helping out the Laymen warriors in any way they could. They would use the way of Jode if they were fighting the darkness. Since the original warriors of the Order came from a nomadic tribe the ways of magic were unknown to them. While the priests were able to teach the warriors in the ways of the school of Restoration it would be too difficult and time consuming to teach them the other schools of magic. Because of this the priest and other Clergy members were now more than simply there to assist the warriors. They would be the light of Jode and help fight the darkness. They would assist warriors if the enemy they were fighting were mages or used magic. Dark mages, necromancers, conjurers, and others who use magic for bad. While the number of warriors greatly outnumbered the Clergy Members, there would be enough to assist the warriors whenever necessary. Together these new Lunar Warriors and Clergy members would make up the Lunar Order. The chieftain then decided it was time to form a way of how the Order would be led. He was now the Chieftain of all the warriors and the Bishop was the head of the Clergy members. The two of them representing their respective members could come together to form and make decisions. The chieftain decided that it would be necessary to have the Bishop help counsel himself and all future Chieftains for the Bishop would be most attuned to the Moons and Ja-Ka’Jay. It was then the Chieftain remembered the importance of Clan Mothers in Khajiit culture. For they knew all the secrets and taught young Khajiit the ways of the Moons. This would also be necessary in the new Order as all Clans and Tribes of Khajiit need a Clan Mother. The current Clan Mother was brought into the fold and thus the Council of the Lunar Order was Formed. The Bishop would represent the Clergymen and the will of the Ja-Ka’Jay, the Clan Mother would be just that for the entire Order, and the Chieftain would sit atop the council and represent the warriors of the Order. Together the three members would rule the Order and make decisions for the Order for years to come. It was after this that it was written in the ways of the Order that the Council would always be in place and they would be the authority of the Order. The Council would answer to no other Khajiit except the Mane.

The Riddle’Thar-Do would be the ruling doctrine of the Lunar Order. Written from the influence of the Riddle’Thar, it is the Path of the Warrior. It is a philosophy and code that is set to guide Lunar Warriors on their path to not only achieving Ja-Ka’Jay, but also protecting it.

The first value is Piety. Reverence to the Moons and the Ja-Ka’Jay above all else. After all, this is why the Lunar Warriors fight. Lunar warriors must worship the Moons as their chief deity and revere the Ja-Ka’Jay. A warrior’s devotion and protection must always be to the Moons first and to defeat all enemies and threats to the Ja-Ka’Jay that could free the Great Darkness. Next a warrior must always show Piety to the gods. For the gods are governed by the Riddle’Thar just as the Khajiit but the gods are still divine and above the Khajiit. The gods control their perspective domains (ex. Alkolsh controls time) and the Khajiit must respect this manner. Just as the Moons and their motions must be served and protected so must the gods. Warriors are to pray and worship to the gods of their choice, but a warrior must realize that they should have the favor of all the gods to be a successful warrior (the good gods that is). Finally, a warrior must also show Piety to the Riddle’Thar. Without the Riddle’Thar a warrior can’t achieve nor defend the Ja-Ka’Jay. Without being able to do this then if the Moons fail and a warrior can’t restore them, the Great Darkness will return and all of Nirn will be doomed. A warrior must be devoted to the ways of the Riddle’Thar and practice the ways whenever they can. Meditation is just as important as training in the Martial Arts. When a warrior learns to use his mind and his body separately but as one, only then, will they be ready to defend the Ja-Ka’Jay.

The second value is loyalty. While the Khajiit are a wild and unpredictable Race, loyalty is still a trait found among most Khajiit, in regards to other Khajiit. For beings that mostly live in a clan or Tribe loyalty is just something that is in their blood. A Lunar Warrior must be loyal to many things to walk their path to the Ja-Ka’Jay. First is to the order. As a Lunar Warrior, your Clan and your Tribe is the Order. They are now your family. Next a warrior must be loyal to the Mane. The Mane is the spiritual leader of the Khajiit and as a spiritual warrior the Mane is the voice of the Riddle’Thar and the Ja-Ka’Jay. After the Mane, a warrior is to be loyal to the Clergy. The Clergy was created to worship the Moons, the same Moons a warrior must defend. Finally, a warrior must be loyal to the Khajiit. All good Khajiit who dance to the Two Moons Dance. These Khajiit who follow the Riddle’Thar and live their lives in the moon light must be protected.

The third value is protection. Protection was chosen as the third value to be a reminder to warriors of the third moon. The corpse of Lorkjan. One of the evils that the Ja-Ka’Jay protects the Khajiit from. Just as the Twin Moons protect the Khajiit and the gods, a warrior must protect also. Above all a warrior must protect the Ja-Ka’Jay. To do this though a warrior must protect all that the Ja-Ka’Jay protects. Anything that can strengthen the Great Darkness is an enemy to the Lunar Warrior. The most dangerous are the Khajiit who tails twitch and dance to the bent dance, the dro-m’Athra. For their souls have been corrupted by the Great Darkness and must be defeated. Khajiit who fall to the grasp of Skooma are also corrupted by the great darkness, though they can be saved. But those who deal the Skooma or create it must also be dealt with as enemies. Next, as the Ja-Ka’Jay protects the Khajiit so must a warrior protect the Khajiit. A warrior is to be a defender of the Khajiit and their land. Regardless of Kingdom or political association, all Khajiit and their land must be protected by a Lunar Warrior. Any army, person, daedra, creature, or being that is a threat to a Khajiit must be dealt with by the means of sword and claw. Finally, a warrior must fight to preserve the balance of the Riddle’Thar. Fight to preserve the balance of the Khajiit. Any threat to the Riddle’Thar must be defeated by a warrior.

The fourth value is the Riddle’Thar. A warrior must practice and follow the teachings of the Riddle’Thar. The prophet Rid-Thar said it must be this way for all Khajiit who wish to achieve the Ja-Ka’Jay. A warrior must always make time to practice and immerse themselves in the Riddle’Thar. Practicing the martial arts amongst other warriors of the order or solitary meditation must always be part of a warrior’s routine. Once a warrior has rid themselves of vanity and combined the mind and body only then will they be able to achieve Ja-Ka’Jay.

The fifth value is the path of S’renndar. S’renndar the god of charity, mercy, and justice must be a chief deity of the warrior. Warriors must follow the ways of S’renndar and practice the qualities of his domain. A warrior must be charitable to those in need. If all Khajiit are bound to the Lunar Lattice then a Lunar Warrior must be charitable to Khajiit in need. Mercy must also be taken upon the Khajiit. A Lunar Warrior is the paladin of the Moons and is their responsibility to show mercy on those in need. Finally, a warrior must be the claws of justice amongst the Khajiit. If one Khajiit is to harm another, or commit acts that strengthen the Great Darkness then it is to be the Lunar Warrior who brings the justice of S’renndar upon them. It is not only a warrior’s duty to serve the moons but also their duty to serve the will of the runt god.

The sixth value is service. Really a combination of all the above traits, service is the last value of a warrior. While Most Khajiit rarely think of others minus their clan it is the duty of a warrior to think of all Khajiit. As defenders of the Ja-Ka’Jay a Lunar Warrior is also a defender of the Khajiit. A combination of the first five values will lead to the sixth. A Lunar Warrior must be a servant to all that is bound to the Ja-Ka’Jay. Serve the moons, the gods, the Mane, and the Khajiit. A warrior must do what it takes to preserve the balance of the Ja-Ka’Jay and ensure every Khajiit has the chance to follow the Riddle’Thar.

Duties of a Lunar Warrior vary depending of circumstances. As defenders of everything bound to the Ja-Ka’Jay a warrior has many duties. Almost always half the order will be nomadically traveling through Elsweyr. Whether alone or perhaps with only one or two other warriors these Khajiit will travel the roads of Elsweyr. Simply patrolling the land, looking for enemies of the Ja-Ka’Jay, protecting and helping Khajiit in need, visiting the Clan Mothers of Tribes or villages looking to assist them, defeating bandits or thieves on the roadways, hunting down and destroying Skooma dens, and other duties as such. Warriors will also be especially vigilant of foreign traders or travelers for outsiders of Elsweyr can never fully be trusted. In their travels warriors will also stop at every Temple or Monastery along their path to pay tribute to the Moons and other gods. It is a way for a warrior to make a pilgrimage to all the holy sites but also still conduct their duties. When at temples or Monasteries warriors will assist or help the priest in any way that would be necessary if requested by the priest. Many times, warriors will be asked to protect priest or monks if there are traveling from one Temple to another. Lunar Warriors will also travel to the main cities and trade centers of Elsweyr but try not to interfere in the affairs of the city guards unless necessary. While it is a duty of a warrior to preserve and insure justice when needed, they are not traveling lawmen whose job is to enforce the laws of the cities or trading centers they are in. They are spiritual warriors of the moons and they believe their duties are above policing work. Only when requested for help in these matters will a Lunar Warrior consider intervening in a local guards’ work, depending on whether the requested matter is a threat to the Ja-Ka’Jay or not. A Lunar Warrior is only concerned in fighting for and protecting the Ja-Ka’Jay, not a simple thief. A warrior will simply show pity for a thief. Any outside or internal threats to Elsweyr are dealt with by the Lunar Order. Another main duty of the Order is to fight off outsiders who wish to enslave Khajiit and take them away to the slavers homeland. Mainly this will be conducted by occasional coastal raids by Dark Elf slavers. Throughout the years Lunar Warriors have fought off these raids and slaughtered the Dark elves. Many times, warriors will travel and track down these slavers outside of Elsweyr if the slavers were travelling by foot. You will rarely see a Lunar Warrior outside of Elsweyr. The Order, just as almost all Khajiit, do not see a reason to ever leave Elsweyr. This is not only due to the fact members of the order rarely have a reason to go outside of the Khajiit providence but also because of the persecution Khajiit receive in the rest of Tamriel. On occasion though the Mane or Clergy will request a warrior from the Council for a special assignment outside of Elsweyr. While the Order tries to stay out of Political affairs occasionally the Mane or the Speaker of the Mane will request a warrior to carry out certain political missions. It will usually be for spying or collecting information about something that could be a potential threat to Elsweyr. The Council never objects to this as it is their responsibly to protect Elsweyr. The Mane may have their personal Warrior Guard of several hundred Khajiit but they are simply that, personal protectors of the Mane. The Warrior Guard are great warriors and many enemy are no match for them, but it is known that the Lunar Warriors of the Lunar Order are the best warriors of the Khajiit race. A warrior may also be sent by the Clergy to investigate events involving a hint of the great darkness gaining power outside of Elsweyr. In times of war the Lunar Order will be on the front lines fighting in battle. Fighting to protect Elsweyr and the Khajiit. During the times throughout history Elsweyr or the two Kingdoms have been part of the Aldermiri Dominion, The Order has upheld its duty of protecting the Ja-Ka’Jay and the Khajiit people but have also faithfully served the Dominion when needed. During the first Aldermiri Dominion older and higher ranked members of the order stayed in Elsweyr defending its northern and eastern borders while younger members cut their teeth and claws in battle for the dominion. During the third Dominion, the Order mostly remained in the two Kingdoms but would assist the Thalamor if they came into the two Kingdoms and requested assistance from the Order. Since the Thalamor of the third Dominion were seen as the saviors from the Void Nights the Order was very faithful to the Thalamor despite how the Thalamor saw the Khajiit.

Like any order or military system there is a rank structure amongst the members of the Lunar Order. While it may not be as militarized as the Legion or other standing armies, one does still exist. When a Khajiit wishes to join the Order, they are taken in as a Ja’Khajiit. Literally translated to Kitten, or young one. There is no age limit for a Khajiit who wishes to join but regardless of age this is what members will refer to aspirants as. Through their training they will keep this title or rank. After completing their training, they will become an initiate. This is a title held for very little time as right after their training they will enter the initiates’ trials. The trials are a series of test from the masters and teachers. These trials will test their skills in combat with hand held weapons, unarmed combat with their claws, understanding and devotion to the Riddle’Thar and Riddle’Thar-Do, skills in restoration magic, skills and abilities in alchemy, and finally understanding of the Ja-Ka’Jay. If an initiate passes their trials then they are welcomed into the Order as a full member and gain the title of Paladin. It is when an initiate joins the order and becomes a Paladin that they take the vows of the order before the Moon Bishop in the light of the Twin Moons. A Paladin will always be assigned to serve with a Sentinel or Master. Here a Paladin will learn the ways of older members and gain experience hands on fulfilling the duties of a Lunar Warrior. When their superior feels that a Paladin is ready they will move to the next level within the Order. Sentinels, or Guardians, are the backbone of the order. They are experienced warriors who will usually travel alone, or with only a few other Sentinels, throughout Elsweyr following the Riddle’Thar-Do. After many years of service and only be gaining the honorific Do (translated to Warrior which can only be gained by greatness in battle or master of martial abilities) by their comrades, can a Sentinel be considered to achieve the level of Master. Masters are the highest level of Lunar Warrior besides the Chieftain that sits on the Council of the Order. When a new Chieftain is needed it is the Masters who will select a new Chieftain from one of the members of their rank. Many masters will turn to teaching Ja’Khajiit or running the Monastery. Many Masters though will still travel the lands of Elsweyr following the Riddle’Thar-Do. In times of war it is the Masters who lead the ranks of Lunar Warriors into battle.

Most members will stay in the Order until they are killed in duty to the Ja-Ka’Jay or die of old age. Very rarely will members choose to leave the order despite having no consequences. On the occasion, a warrior may meet a mate and wish to leave the Order to pursue marriage and a family. It is acceptable for two warriors, male and female, to marry within the order and to remain members. This does happen more than one would think but still not a lot. Their children will be born into the Order and train up until they become initiates. It is then the young Khajiit would be given the choice to continue or leave the order though almost always they choose to stay. Most members are Khajiit from the outside who wish to join the Order for religious or personal reasons. Khajiit from all walks of life, whether from the mercantile south or tribal north, come to join the Order. It said it is a calling from the Moons themselves, a calling that no Khajiit could ever turn away from. Their Riddle’Thar is meant to be one of a Lunar Warrior. Chosen by the Ja-Ka’Jay at birth to later serve and protect the Moons. It is a noble and selfless path chosen by only the purest of Khajiit. Ones who give their lives to serve and protect the Moons and all who are under their protection and influence.