The Power of Illusion

Those who seek to venture into the arcane, to delve into Aetherius' nebulous folds in search of knowledge and power, know that the only thing more winding and complex than the mysteries of Aetherius is the mind of a sentient being. Indeed, the thing that will make you most powerful in this world aren't firestorms or ferocious beasts summoned from the wretched planes of Oblivion, it is simply knowing the mind and all its little intricate perfections and...imperfections.

Illusion is the best tool for seeing into the mind. Masters of this art from my homeland are known as 'Dreamscapers', explorers of the psyche. They can find things not even the owner of the mind knew about. But this magical pursuit is not like the other branches. It isn't like the brutish Destruction schools or frivolous Alteration, where you can simply wave your hand and a temporary solution appears.

No. With this craft, you must know your own mind as well as the minds of others. The spell is only as strong as it's caster. Illusion is the magic of emotion, raw and powerful. It is not detached like restoration, a benevolent 'gift' that allows you to be as cold as you desire. When you cast a spell of illusion, it is an intimate conversation between you and your target. Take Fear, for example. A basic incantation that instills fear in the target. That is what I read when I visited the arcane university, in a tome for novice level illusion magic. What an elementary description that displays the emotional depth and maturity of a child.

When you cast fear or horror, or any other spell of the like, it is YOUR fear that your victim feels. The fear of seeing blazing red eyes under an ashen sky. The fear of the crack of that whip, the fear of being dragged away from your home and your family, away from your land to be clasped in irons and dragged to an alien world by beings you don't know or understand. The fear of not knowing if you'll survive the next day or the person who just became your closest friend that day living through the night. The fear of not knowing whether your next master will be crueler than your last.

It is that fear that over powers your victim's mind, making it impossible to think or reason. Panic engulfs all of their senses, they are reduced to a pathetic and whimpering mess that scrambles away from a terror that they don't even understand! It is a horror that will stick with them for the rest of their days. Your horror and their horror. Your terror and their terror. They are one. Illusion is a misunderstood art, named by a council of pompous 'scholars' who don't know the true meaning of throwing yourself into your work. Illusion is connection, it is the very fabric of your soul and mind. Anger, Fear, Calm, Envy, Lust, all of these are as powerful as you make them. That is why Illusion is the most powerful magical art.

The only limitation to its power...

is your own mind.