Intercepted Dreamsleeve Transmission from the Parliament of Spume

Date Code: 3e-110-70-15

The following transcript was intercepted and recorded by Imperial memnointelligence agents during routine dreamsleeve information filtering across untuned aberrant glyphsteams for potential Temple Zero sleeve-chatter in according with procedures outlined per Pelagius Doctrine. It has been archived at the behest of the Elder Council for its...unique...contents and is currently under consideration for use as an item of reference [static disruption from spike in recorder exasperation-frustration scrambling transmission clarity] for future metastrategic conference.


Greetings scale-brothers, and blessings unto you for assembling on such short notice. As you are already aware, I have urged this emergency convention today to discuss the pressing matter of the serpent guisers’ increased military operations in the Eltheric, which pose a present and mounting danger to our continuing subversions of the Sons of Maztiak and their persistent cosmological anchors of the Scale Folk to the prison that is the Mundus.

Let those who are in attendance of this convention announce themselves now.

Uprooted Megalomagnic Contract, Prime Minister of the Parliament of Spume, Keeper of Sacred Convention Logs and Administrator of Greater Eltheric Affairs, present, willing and calling to action.

Teeth-Like-Mountains, Lord of the Kreath, present and willing.

Four-Hundred And Twenty-Eight Polyp Remedial, Duke of Harstrad and Conservator of Unshaven Angles, present and willing.

Ebb-Light of Overwaters on Prismatic Scale, Lord of Niben-Malapi and Chief Negotiator unto the Silverfish Confederacy, present and willing.

Cracked Tooth Coalescing to Inverted Depths, Lord of Hunding and Head of the Fin Society of Astronomical Observation, present and willing.

Twelfth Cephalomer Bloodspilt, Chancellor of the Iliac, present and willing.

Enclosing Predatory Glacier, Duke of Ghosts, present and willing.

Ingrown Tooth Abrasing the Palate, Commander of Inner Sea Intelligence Division, present and willing.

Linguistic Variation Lattice Upholding Tides, Lord of Xylo, Duke of Topal, Supreme Hortiadministrator of Sugarmarsh Cultivation, et cetera, et cetera, present and willing.

Very well. By the grace of Many-Tusked Bor-Abzu, Seminal Aspect and Holy Progenitor, let the Eight and One of this Parliament of Spume convene in full. In accordance with ancient custom, I ask you recite the hymnals of forebears past in observance of those who have sacrificed in the name of the Great Leaping.

Amen. Now, let us discuss the critical item of this convention, which is to say-

With all due pomp and ceremony, Prime Minister, I am curious as to why you urged this convening at all. The Satakals’ continued intrusion into the territory of the Aldmer and the Cyrodiils is hardly worth an emergency assemblage of the Parliament in full. They recognize the strength our fang-navy possesses and what retribution they will sow by transposing their war serpents into our waters, and maintain appropriate distance as such. We must refocus our efforts on our vigil against the Sons of Maztiak, chitinous and bristle-mandibled bastards that they are. Their continued presence on the Mundus for kalpas immemorial yet binds us to not rejoin our venerated ancestors in the Untime.

Hear hear!

Lord Kreath, Chancellor Iliac, please contain yourselves. Let us hear what the Prime Minister has to say. His judgement has been ever-sound, and I cannot recall a time whence his concerns led us astray.

My thanks, Commander. As I was sleeve-broadcasting, the true issue lies not in threats of hypothesis of the serpent guisers impinging upon Parliament holdings, but a far more grave matter about to unfold on a scale that dwarfs even our noble aims.

[sleevesurge of disbelief from broadcasters present]

As the scale-brothers of this conference know, recents movements of Maormeri war serpents into Eltheric waters suggest an imminent breach and land invasion of the Aldmer mainland to claim Alinor and its surrounding demesnes for the hands of their twice-removed cousins. That much is obvious. However, recent evaluations of Pyandonean mythoculture suggests there may be a very real risk of Orgnum and his cabal of snake-sorcerers initiating a sympathetic proliferation of their slither magicks across the Eltheric if they can muster a successful seizure of Crystal-Like Law.

And? What of it?

If our reports are true, Lord Hunding, it is quite possible their Serpent God’s sidewinding songs may osmose through the sundered West and rouse the Worldskin from its slumber in the star-deeps. And from there it would swallow all as it did in Ald Yoku, reducing our efforts toward escaping the mythic to naught.

A grim prospect indeed.

We can no longer afford to remain neutral in the affairs of Men and Mer while the Satakals threaten all of Bor-Abzu’s children. Now then, the next item of this convention shall be to discuss strategic military intervention in the the Eltheric theatre within...scale-brothers. We are being recorded by an outside party.

Have the damned crabs tapped our transmissions?!

Erect antinomial egg-logic dampeners. Conservator, please advise.

Analysis indicates our transmission was shunted into scattersteam by a localized sleeve rupture. Likely an informatic shockwave from a wandering blink-root-ship entering Tamriel Actual.

I see. Scale-brothers of this Parliament, re-tune your cogitocodes for sensory barricade while we amend this transmission to a secure channel. Cogitocode: two sloads mating in broad daylight on a sandy shore; feeling of complete and utter revulsion.

Thank you for cutting that transmission quickly, Prospero.

Gaius, did you perceive the same thing or am I hallucinating?

No, no, it was real. Those were…

Slaughterfish. The memospore picked up a gods-damned gaggle of slaughterfish using the dreamsleeve.

Um. Should we report this to someone?

Maybe? I don’t know to be honest. But there’s one thing I am sure of right now.

What’s that?

I’m far too sober to be reading this.

Now there’s something we can agree on.