"An Empire Across the Stars"

I’m surprised we didn’t ask the question sooner.

Every night we look into the deeps, counting Ge or gazing at the Moons. We marvel at the sheer size of the Void. But what’s out there? The Plane(t)s of the Princes, yes. Void-bodies of lifeless rock. And yet: Reman’s Empire, “An Empire across the stars.”

Why? Why leave Nirn to go…there, of all places? The very nature of Oblivion tries to erase you as soon as you pass the Mundic limen. What drove the ancients – with magical technologies far greater than our own – to leave home for the Void? And to stay there? Reman nearly bankrupted the Empire and yet the Council continued to fund the Mananaut conquests: fleets of Mothships, Void-stations, legions of soldiers. For what – curiosity? Boredom? No, it was something else. Something tangible, something worth the risk. Something only the Void could provide.

Two hundred years since Landfall and only now is the question occurring to us:

What did they find?

