The Healing Capabilities of Mysticism (Dream-Walking) by Ma'Sura Harlan

Khajiit does not write often, nor does she wish to imply she will start with this first (and possibly last) article on her experiences with Mysticism, and how she has used it to heal her friends and well paying customers (who later on became friends to this one) using techniques such as dream-walking, soul gem vitality, morality enchantments, and more.

Perhaps the most interesting, fun, and more obscure method of repairing one's mind is learning the form of Astral Projection. It takes mages many years to enter the Astral realm, let alone discover how to project their souls away from their body for communication. Ma'Sura is not a mage, or at least wasn't when she discovered she could enter the dreamscape of her friends by leaving her body when she enters a state of meditation or lucid dreaming.

You see, many years ago this Argonian, who has since paid for these crimes, assassinated this one. Before her soul could leave this body, her friends revived her and dealt with the lizard. One does not simply come back from the dead, even if death was merely seconds long. The soul, myself, began to leave Ma'Sura, but akin to a door slamming your tail on the way out, I was trapped in this Khajiit, my own body.

As this one learned she could view the astral realm, which isn't much to look at. While I could not project myself onto the physical realm, Khajiit learned her friends could be found by following emotional connections. The closer and stronger they were, the easier it was to find. If they were asleep, I could view their dreams while Khajiit lay comatose wherever I left her. So then Ma'Sura began to experiment, she taught her friends how to meditate, and lucid dream. This lead to... interesting results.

Thus began her journey of advanced therapy. Her first patient, one who had sever emotional trauma, was closed away at first. During a breakdown, Khajiit needed to enter this stranger in an emergency, but had no means of doing so. Therefore, she kissed the man, and beat him unconscious with a swift blow to his head with a mace. He lived, of course, and I found enough details in his dreams to convince him to allow Ma'Sura to help.

The process took many months of basic therapy, hearing his feelings, or at least what he thought of them. Ma'Sura learned her soon to be friend had accidentally killed his child during a burglary misunderstanding. A terrible moment, one that could have been prevented, for sure, one that lead to extreme guilt and attempted suicides. However, he would continue to be dishonest about his true feelings.

That was until, their friendship had grown enough for Ma'Sura to teach the man about meditation, and thus lucid dreaming. I entered his mind in this state, and together we brought up all his demons, and faced them together. We saved the main one for later, as failing the boss monster could kill this troubled soul.

For the next few weeks, we prepared to tackle the last challenge troubling this one's friend. Made sure nothing distracted him, no one would bother him, and nothing else would hold him down for this fight. Then, we entered. This battle was a tough one, and it took strength on both of our parts. Our battle, his battle, was relieving the memory. No symbolic obscure dreams, no lucid creations, a pure representation of the event that cursed this man with a heavy burden.

I let it play out like normal, right up until the end. You see, saving the child in the dream would do nothing to reality, nor would letting him see the full childhood, showing him what he missed. What I did, after the killing blow was made, allowed the father to say goodbye to his child's soul directly, to apologize and allow all the mourning he had bottled up, be released in that moment. The child, while just a fabrication of my own making, accepted the apology, and allowed him to move on.

When we awoke, the man still needed more therapy afterwards, which Khajiit was happy to give, and this one could see the wound was cleaned, and was ready to heal. Mere months after our final battle, the man was as healthy as he was before the event, moved on and fully healed with no side effects other than an occasional wistful thought.

Yes this may have still taken nearly a year, but this form of Astral Projection made it possible within that time frame. Without, this healing process may have taken a decade. If you wish to emulate this one's style of dream-walking, you need not die first, but simply learn how to meditate, and lucid dream. From there, eventually you will find your way out of your own head.

It took Ma'Sura years to re-learn how to do this, the right way, once she healed her soul using soul gems, but it is possible. Using Soul Gems to extend your life or heal related afflictions is another complicated and well hidden secret, but Ma'Sura will explain the process in another book, if she ever decides to write it. May you learn something from this story to help yourself or your friends, and allow the moons to light your path.

Until next time - Ma'Sura Harlan