The Many Phases of Khajiit: The Cathay

((EDIT: After much debate, it is considered possible the Cathay are the player races of ESO, TES4, and TES5. However, they could also be Suthay-Raht or Suthay. I am personally starting to lean more towards these player races being Suthay, but either way, here is my painting of why these plantigrade Khajiit with fur and cat-faces are common outside of Elsweyr.))

You want to know more about the furstocks? This one explains.

This one is surprised you do not know what a Cathay is, for that is what this one is, do you see? With the fur and the jaws and the elegant tail of a cat, but with the paws and language of a man. Very common as adventurers outside Elsweyr, this one is told, because not all Cathay like to be clerks or craftsmen as their hands would dictate. Some Cathay decide they not like that sedentary life, want to hunt and fight like a Pahmar-Raht or a Dagi-Raht, so off they go.

Not much room for Cathay adventurers in Elsweyr, you see? Some other furstock always better, and why have hands if one does not put them to good use? So these unhappy Cathay pack their bags and they travel, and they sell, or find good things to sell, and stick their whiskers and paws into every new hole in foreign lands they come across.

There would be more Cathay in Elsweyr, this one thinks, if they did not so often go getting themselves killed abroad. Buts kits will be kits, and Cathay will be Cathay. This one is content with her lot in life now, but who knows? Perhaps this one will follow the call of adventure at some point, too.