The Many Phases of Khajiit: The Ohmes-Raht

((And my last contribution for the day, rounding out the player races given to us. The Ohmes-Raht was the Khajiit player race for the game Daggerfall.))

You want to know more about the furstocks? This one explains.

To understand an Ohmes-Raht is to understand the stresses the Two Moons dance puts on Khajiit, for Ohmes-Raht are second only to the Ohmes in how much they appear like mer.

Ohmes-Raht resemble the Bosmer as Ohmes do, yes? Only with high-sitting tufted ears, tails, and lightly patterned fur across their skin, to set them apart. Outlanders will also say there is something vaguely feline about their faces, in the lips and the eyes, but this one would not know, because Ohmes-Raht look the most human to her compared to other Khajiit.

It is here where the trouble starts, because as good Ohmes-Raht friend once said, outlanders expect Cathay or Suthay already to be alien in their minds, as alien to them as their sleek forms. It is the Ohmes-Raht that outlanders will start seeking for similarities, and in doing so, only find the differences. Many more rumors there are spread about Ohmes-Raht, comparing them to cats who lick their wrists, or get distracted by moving leaves, or squall like a housecat in season instead of talking normal like you or I.

You can see, then, why some Ohmes-Raht go to great lengths to avoid rumors. They are the ones that become refined and prideful, who take great care to seem intelligent and poised. They make much of their appearance, finely groomed and well-dressed, with deep connections in their communities or in politics. You might see these Ohmes-Raht teaching at cub schools or running orphanages, or competing for the favor of the clanmothers, because they want so badly to be seen as a Khajiit worth notice.

Ohmes-Raht like this may do many great things, is true, but it is still a sad tale. Often other Khajiit see these Ohmes-Raht as arrogant and overbearing, grumbling about how they have lost their way among the moons trying to be too much like the waxing Jone. The Riddle-thar is a dance of balance, you see, and one cannot balance while one is always leaning to one side to compensate!

Some Ohmes-Raht will hear this tidbit from the wise, and so they dance the other way, but it is no less sad. These Ohmes-Raht can become rude or resentful, aggressive with no meat to back up their words, trying too hard to have something they can’t have, and that is the beast form denied to them at their birthing.

It is a rare Ohmes-Raht that finally finds the balance between natures, and off they go to the priesthood, many of them. Wise clanmother was it who said that the greatest wisdom comes from the greatest pain, and a smart cat will listen to the Ohmes-Raht who has been through the most ill-thinking of slanders.

But is the dance so hard on Ohmes-Raht, because of their furstock? Or because outlander do not understand their furstock? This one leaves you with this question, and hopes you come to wisdom, just like old priestly Ohmes-Raht.