Interview with an Ash Dragon

by Lleris Arvano, Adventurer and Traveling Scholar
4E 189

In all my decades spent exploring the devastated Ashlands of Vvardenfell, I have never had an encounter as interesting as the one I describe in this article. When exploring a seemingly uninhabited cave system, I was suddenly attacked by two Nords from the shadows. With extreme luck, I managed to defeat both of them and walk out with only minor wounds. The presence of these two indicated that there may be valuables hidden in the caves, so I advanced deeper inside.

I certainly didn't expect what I've found. When I illuminated a large cavern, I discovered a large lizard. At first, I didn't know what it was. My first thought was an overgrown cliff racer, but that was disproven when it spoke to me.

"Have you killed my cultists, fahliil?"

I will remember his words till the day I die. The voice was booming, it rumbled my bones and sent shivers down my spine. Even in my startled state, I managed to make the association. Nords, "cultists" and a large talking lizard. This is a dragon.

I don't remember what I replied, but I slowly backed away, intending to leave this cave system, but the beast didn't let me. It threw me off my feet with its tail.

"You bested my cultists, and now you run from me? Why are you here if you do not intend to kill me, joor?"

I said to him that I am just an adventurer and that I stumbled upon this cave by accident, while traveling. The dragon seemed to get an interest in my "travels". As he had me pinned down with his tail, he interviewed me. He asked about the state of the world, the religions and powers present in Tamriel, and recent events. He was very interested in what happened to the Blades, and seemed to be extatic when he heard about their demise. On the other hand, he looked disappointed when I mentioned that the Nords had almost completely abandoned the Nordic gods for the Imperial Divines. The two cultists he had guarding his cave weren't as well-traveled and well-read as me, or at least that's what I assumed.

After that, he just let me go. I was surpised too! Apparently, he respected my fighting prowess enough to consider me worthy of life. I could have just left that cave, but that wouldn't be me. I respectfully asked him if I could interview him in turn. I said that I wouldn't mention the location of his cave, and describe him as a powerful being worthy of respect (which I sincerely believe). To another surpirse, he agreed. I suspect that eternity can get really boring if you have no one to talk to.

I prepared my papers and my writing equipment, lit up a magelight and got to work.

What is your name?
Ahbiilok. You would translate it "Hunter-Blue-Sky". I got this name when I hunted okaaronne up in the skies of Keizaal. You will nott see blue skies over this land, though. Maybe I should rename myself.

Why did you choose to live in Morrowind?
I lived in Keizaal for many centuries after the war with the Bronne. It was not that hard to stay away from dragon hunters, or just kill them. But then, these prakem-joriin came and started hunting us down. We all had to leave. There should still be dov in Taazokaan, but not in Keizaal. I know of some. My cultists told me a story of one who got killed while serving a dovahkiin. Pathetic.

How did you avoid death for so long?
(Laughs.) I did not. I died once, or at least in mortal terms. In the war with Bronne, I was defeated by a group of Tongues. They set a trap for me. Tahrodiis joorre! They saw how our lord Alduin resurrected dragons before. So, to avoid my resurrection, they burned my body in a pyre until I was only ash. But Alduin came, and resurrected me anyway. The Tongues could see me reform from ash into an even more terrifying version of myself, and ran for their lives. I hunted down each and every one of them.
Since then, I have not died. When the Dragonguard came to Keizaal, I fought them off multiple times. I hid in mountains in the south. They found me again. So I fled here. Those prakemme did not dare to cross the border. Your mortal politics always amuse me.

How long did you live in Morrowind? Do you like it here?
I do not bother to count years, but I would say about fifteen centuries. I lived in what you call the Ashlands this entire time. Not many of you fahliille snooping around. Only some hunters. I have shown myself to them occasionally, and once, they called me a "cliff racer". I later found out what animal they meant. I burned their village. Krosis. It was impulsive.
I do not like the cliff racers. They are not dangerous to me as predators, but it is hard to fly through their swarms. They are annoying.
Most dov would not like the ash everywhere. I do not mind it, though. I used to be ash when the Bronne burned me. Since then, I felt a strange connection to ash. I learned how to manipulate it. Not all ash storms in this area came from the nisaad-rah in the volcano. Some were mine. I flied through them when I did not want to be seen.

Were you affected by the Red Year?
Do you mean the eruption? I left for Veysenor for a few years, but then I got back. It did not get enough ash for my taste. I feel at home here, in the Ashlands. After the eruption, even more land turned into ash, and that is better for me. I am even harder to find.

How did you get your cultists?
They said they escaped slavery from kiibam lahzey and hid in my cave. I revealed myself to them, and killed their pursuers. Then, I told them stories of the age before the war between the dov and the Bronne, and how men lived in harmony under the rule of the dov. They chose me over the fahliil slavers.

Do you plan to reveal yourself to more people?
No. Even if Alduin himself came back from beyond time and called me to war, I would stay here in my bed of ash.

With that, we said our goodbyes.

So, Ahbiilok, thank you for your time.
My pleasure. Send some Bronne my way, if you meet any. Cultists are fun. (Laughs.)

It took me months to find correct translations of the "dovahzul" words Ahbiilok used. Most of this is still conjecture, so take it with a grain of salt.

fahliil - elf
joor - mortal
okaaronne (sg. okaaron) - whales
Keizaal - Skyrim
Bronne (sg. Bron) - Nords
prakem-joriin - snake people (?)
dov (sg. dovah) - dragons
Taazokaan - Tamriel
dovahkiin - dragonborn
tahrodiis - (?)
krosis - apologies
nisaad-rah - fake (false ?) god, (Dagoth Ur ?)
Veysenor - cut-off land (Solstheim ?)
kiibam lahzey - mushroom wizards (Telvanni ?)