"There are many Lygs"

From “Exegencies of Multi-mundic Epistemology” by Atti-Naram Hadal, Proctor of Tonal Studies, Arcane University. Published by the Imperial University Press, 6E 119.

Lyg, the Un-place of Un-times. Both a chromatic-null and mnemic tritone in the Aurbic song.

I cannot claim to have been an expert on the Un-places even in my own When, but my experience of trans-Amaranthine incision – to say nothing of re-corporation – is highly suggestive, and may offer possibilities for proper (mis)interpretation.

Nothing is known for certain, though much is suggested by the Mankar’s Commentaries. There are other rumors, hints and pseudo-descriptions – the fabled 8th Fight of the Aldudagga – but little of solid, scientific proof. No Dwarven Orrery shows it, the Elder Scrolls speak only in riddles. Histories and anti-histories clutter the field of scholarship. For some it is a kingdom of Rebellion – the birthplace of Dagon. For others, the Shadow of Empire Actual – not so much an opposite as an apocalypse. In truth? It is all these things.

The temporal maelstrom surrounding the Un- is beyond exactitude; no stable Piercing has ever been made (of which we are aware; the Mankar may have traveled back and forth but took the knowledge to his grave). Those who have viewed it have seen it in myriad Times and Places, never the same, and never again. Out of such can no orthodox understanding be rendered.

There are many Lygs and we cannot know where one begins and one ends. If there is a history to that Place, it exists beyond the border of narrative cohesion and cannot be known by us. One imagines even the sad denizens of Un- know not the long tale of their own horror.

