On Vahlok’s Stratagem Against the Traitors

The newly named Konahrik leaned over the map on the table studying the terrain and analyzing the situation. His lieutenants stood around him and pondered their next moves. He still had not gotten use to all of them calling him “Warlord” yet for the prestige of the station he accepted it. “Harvald, what was the last known location of the traitors in the Moesring Mountains?” The broad shouldered warrior pointed to an area in the north. “Dukaan..” He spat on the ground in his disgust, Dishonor had been his priest and liege once. “...was spotted by our scouts near Hvitkald Peak moving east, we assume they are trying to assault our flank.” Vahlok nodded, their situation had improved since he had returned to the island. Before he was whisked away he had thought that he had seen his last days, the Bloodskaal advance had been swift and merciless. Vahlok's people had nearly been wiped out as they were pinned against the shoreline.

Now though, reinforcements from the mainland had bolstered his own tribes. They were aided by the fact that the Bloodskaal had advanced so rapidly they had left their stores and supplies far in the rear and they had ran out of plunder to survive on. Zahkrosiis’ forces had pulled back to between Lake Fjalding and the shoreline to prevent Vahlok’s forces from escaping. While Vahlok’s situation had bettered, he still faced the monumental task of reversing his causes entire position. Even if he conquered all of the rebellious forces there was still the dark spectre of Miraak looming over him. Vahlok had heard disturbing rumors of unknown shouts being used by the Traitor to bend the dovah to his will. What secrets the demon Herma-Mora had taught his former master he dared not guess.

Kyrgan Snow-Fire raised himself to speak, “Konahrik, our position here is untenable, we must dislodge ourselves from this current location, we remain encircled and cannot reach any friendly forces . If we stay here we will be held against the shore and destroyed.” Vahlok nodded slowly staring intenstly at the map. “Agreed, we must take the initiative back from these traitors” Ralkir Argenson stroked his wiry beard as he spoke, “We should strike against the Bloodskaal, they still hold our ancestral lands and continue to plunder our forefathers graves.” A murmur of approval went up amongst those in the tent. These men had fled bitterly from their homes when the Bloodskaal came pillaging. Many had lost everything, their livelihood, kin and honor when they fled only after Vahlok’s pleading and pledging of revenge. Videl the Old sat in the corner, his back as twisted as an old pine so he constantly leaned forward, raised his baritone voice. “Right we are to demand vengeance for the desecration of our ancestral lands, yet if we were to launch ourselves south, we would still find ourselves surrounded by foes. Dukaan marches for us from the north and will destroy us from our rear just as we liberate our lands.”

Vahlok eyes traced across the map and saw the wisdom of the old man’s words. The Cult loyalists were still outnumbered and separated but there might just be a way to remedy that. A plan suddenly sprang into his mind. It was a gamble, a terrible risk, but it might just be unexpected enough to work. Vahlok stood and regarded his men, “Our position is fragile but if we act with boldness and surprise I believe we can seize the initiative from these traitors. We will split our forces and deal with Dukaan and the Bloodskaal simultaneously.” Vahlok watched as their heads shot up in surprise and then regarded each other with some unease. He continued, “The Bloodskaal expect us to try and retake our lands now that we have more forces, we are bound by our forebears honor to try. However if we did we would soon have the Bloodskaal to our front and Dukaan to our backs. I propose this, I will lead a smaller group into the north and confront Dukaan and destroy him and his forces and unite with the northern tribes. If we are able to accomplish this we will hold the Moesring Mountains, a formidable defensive position. The northern tribes will help us hold the passes if they should try and dislodge us. United we will have much more reserves to call upon for the campaign ahead”

Vahlok paused to regard the map, “This will not be done alone though, Ralkir, I want you to take the rest of our forces and challenge the Bloodskaal to open battle, take a majority of the fresh reinforcements and my banner. They will think it is our whole force lead by the new Warlord and no doubt attempt to wipe us out then and there. The Bloodskaal have been advancing for weeks and may be fatigued just enough for you to win the day.” His men stood still and regarded him, he hoped they saw darning and not madness. “Go and make your preparations, I wish for us to be breaking camp by nightfall.” They nodded grimly but suddenly drew their weapons and held them high, shouting, “HI UTH KONAHRIK”