The Marriage of Anoo and Padomae

Publisher's note: Historians are uncertain of the origins of this unusual rendering of the monomyth, although the literary style suggests a possible Khajiiti origin. The invocation at the end of the passage is of no known language, however.

When the Only awoke from os nothingness, o was at first content. But within mere-minutes, o began to feel lonely and cynical, and so created the Siblings Anoo – the Flow of Hold, and Padomae – the Flow of Release - to give life to the void.

O watched in happiness as os two new friends saw Each other and come to love Each other – they knew there was nothing else in the World meant for them. In their Youth and zest, they conceived of the idea of marrying one Another, and o sat and smiled and allowed this love to transpire. Their marriage was bountiful, springing many children, too many to count, each one containing a spark of Hold and Release.

And o was happy, for o was no longer lonely, and os world was now Full.

But it was not True fullness, as Anoo and Padomae now began to lose control of their world, and o was bestet by a stress od never experienced before. Desparate to settle things down, o appealed to os friends to make stable their children of Hold and Release, but they could not, for there were no Limits to the world o had let unfold. And so Anoo and Padomae became unhappy, and they spat at Each other and cried aloud, and they saught for a Divorce.

So o cried and shook and tore oself asunder, and this made the children only more Frightful. And eventually Anoo and Padomae seperated, and their children began fighting and tearing each other, and they were driven Insane for their Father and Mother were no longer in union. They now worshipped one Parent or the other, ignorant of O that had made them Both out of Kindness, and ignorant that they were all children of Hold and Release, not One or the Other.

Eventually, after many months, the children had settled down and had formed the the worlds of Muhndus, and quarrelled amongst themselves but were small and not-seeing. Anoo and Padomae had turned their backs on Each other, but the inner love between the Two could not totally vanish. O saw this situation, and despaired, but knew that this was os own work, and Sat himself up to make best of it. O meditated, pondered, and over time began counselling os two friends on how best to make the children see their Own glory; his friends, in animosity but longing for Their own peace, heeded os counsel and began sending prophets and other o-seerers to steer their childrens’ course, in ways that the two Parents deemed fit according to time and place. The sacred words Hold and Release would seemingly conflict, but each battle bloodied and each truth discredited helped o gain the clearer picture o needed, and it was Then that Time, being the union of both Hold and Release, came into being, and the world Nirnh was made Real.

So it came to be that O, from os Lonely Chair high up in all things, sits and waits, guides and nourshises, os two friends so that They guide and nourish their children, never fully in agreement but never truthfully in hate. And it is said that when the children have learnt from their Parents the truth of their own Beginning, then os loneliness will be once made manifest and once made gone, and the children, the Parents, and the world of the void will Know whence they came, and all will be O, and Hold and Release will be True in the one Flow, and the World will be Full.
