The Many Phases of Khajiit: the Dagi

You want to know more about the furstocks? This one explains.

This one has heard Dagi compared to little monkeys with cat faces, and Rashida supposes this is true. A Dagi’s forepaws have the grasping fingers like a monkey’s, but their back pads still resemble a cat’s, with long claws specially made for holding onto bark or the saddles of friendly Pahmar-Rahts in battle. This is how they fight, see, leaping down from the backs of larger Khajiit and slicing at the throat or eyes. The manes on their backs are long, and their tails are longer, but unlike outlander tales, they cannot grip with them, no.

I’m sure they wish they could, for this is one more limb for Dagi to carry their finds with, yes? Dagi like making nests full of many little treasures they find near or far, up in the tops of trees where they can see all around. In cities, Dagi a little less comfortable with so many larger buildings to compete with, but also have work to keep honest food in their bellies. They are the best couriers, you see, darting up and down the sides of apartments, and still with the hands to be able to take down messages and seal up packages when they get there.

Maybe if all Dagi had such jobs, they would not be so obnoxious! This one hears of Dagi once being employed to cry the news to their towns, for they have loud voices that carry. But Dagi in these towns soon not have this job anymore, for Dagi are more given to screaming insults then screaming news, and none of the outlanders could understand their thick accents besides!

But Dagi still enjoy tossing insults at unwary walkers-by, yes. Many times Dagi will follow dishonored Khajiit and tell the world what he did wrong, but this is good thing, for those Khajiit who commit truly heinous crimes are shunned instead. It is said there is much wisdom to be gained at the base of Dagi trees, if one can stand the occasional catcall or bit of trash thrown down, for they are as given to telling stories as the Alfiq, but not with nearly so many flights of fancy.