On the Significance of Ears in Elven Culture Part I: Wood Elves

By Augustus, Imperial Historian 2E570

Many rumours abound about elves and their ears, though few have looked at the phenomena as in-depth as the author of this book attempts to. All Aldmeri strains can be said to attach some significance in their culture to their ears, though each in their own ways. Even Orcs, an oft left-out strain, hold a similar reverence to ears in their culture.

Beginning with the Bosmer, commonly called wood elves, one notices their ears are the longest of all the strains, an elongated triangular in shape, and capable of prehensile movement. A wood elf’s ears for example will “perk” up when excited, and droop when feeling sad or disappointed.

Most attach a lax significance to their ears, unlike the other elves, except in cases practised by Valenwood elves such as the “Thousand Fluttering Dances” and in the case of Elder Spinners of Y’ffre. Allegedly, Spinners who reach a certain level of story-telling power and age begin to ‘become one with the Forest God’, a process heralded by the growing of green moss-like hair at the tips of their ears. Incidentally, a few Bosmer are born with furry-tipped/furry ears, typically taken to be a sign of great luck.

A wood elf bard relegated to me an interesting story once, regarding why they have the longest ears they do. Think of it as you will.

When Y’ffe first sang the Forest People’s form into existence, he gave them the form of strange gigantic beasts with tailed horns, horned tails, and four eyes. But the people complained that now they were too slow moving and fat and constantly hungry. So, Y’ffe cut out the extra height, weight, eyes and moulded the horns till they were soft, flexible, and covered in light bristles. For a thousand years, the forest people [what the wood elves call themselves] were content with their new shapes. But soon they began to complain and murmur to Y’ffre that their forms were too much like the pretenders in the East. Again, Y’ffre acquiesced and changed their shape to one that could fly. For a while it was good, until they began to complain again. This went on, changing shape after shape for what was at times petty reasoning until finally Y’ffre snapped and cursed the forest people to have no one shape for their vanity. A thousand years they roamed the lands of Valenwood, unable to maintain shape for no longer than an arrow draw. Eventually, when he felt they had learnt their lesson, Y’ffre cooled down and in his wisdom gathered the forest people again. This time, he combined the shapes of all the creatures of the land and granted a new form to them. They were weaker now, but agile and swift of foot as well as keen of eye. In his wisdom, Y’ffre had left them with the ears of UNPRONOUNCEABLE [some kind of tree-rabbit native to Valenwood] to always alert them to danger. This time, wisely, no one complained.

I was able to find another version of the tale that instead claims Y’ffre cursed the wood elves with the form of the tall trees of Valenwood, to be immobile and helpless for all eternity. For a thousand years they remained like this, watching as their family members were cut down and burnt, and their children tortured [supposedly by “Eastern pretenders”, a moniker for the Khajiit of Elsweyr]. One day, a member of the Second tribe [also “Eastern pretender”] came upon them as she was travelling the forests looking for a Seed of Y’ffre [one of those famous graht-oak trees]. Mustering their strength, the oldest of the trees spoke to the pretender and begged her to soothe the anger of the God. Taking pity, the pretender [surprisingly, given their history] did just so and Y’ffre was calmed [I was not told how]. In his wisdom, he took inspiration and forged a new form for them, with long ears to mirror the second tribe and alert them to danger. The most powerful however, still possessed more of their arboreal heritage, hence why some Spinners have horns and the eldest grow hair on their ears.

In celebration of what they had gone through, the Green Pact was made and a part of Valenwood was given to the second tribe.

A Thousand Fluttering Dances.

An intimate courtship move designed to woo involving particular and precise control of the ears to produce a series of movements said to be alluring to both male and female wood elves. Fan favourites include “The Spinner”, “Take Flight” and “Daedric Virility”. I have yet to see any of these in person.

NEXT: Dunmer!