A curious occurrence in the Imperial City

2E 894, 9th of Last Seed, Market District gate to Green Emperor Way

"What do you mean you can't let me pass? I walk home to the Waterfront this way every day, and if I-"

"Citizen please, we have already informed you that-"

"Don't interrupt me! I said I walk home to the Waterfront this way every day, and if I have to walk through the other districts instead of cutting across the middle it will take at least another 30 minutes to get there. My wife will be furious!"

Galanor was beginning to look furious enough in his own right. The small wood elf trader had never run into any problems with the law so far in his 10-year stay in the Imperial City, but he had heard rumors from neighbors that some of the guards liked to shake down Bosmer for a few extra gold from time to time.

"Listen, I know what you're trying to do and I will be filing a formal complaint with whatever superiors you have tomorrow, but if there's really no other option to get you out of my way then I suppose I can share some of today's profits."

"Citizen, we have tried to explain to you that we are not attempting to intimidate or coerce you in any manner. Green Emperor Way is simply off-limits this evening as renovations are performed on the walkways."

"Renovations? Shutting down the whole district? Preposterous! I don't even hear-"

But Galanor stopped to listen, and as he did he could hear the faint sounds of grinding stone, of metal striking metal, of jangling chains and workmen calling out orders. Perhaps these guards were telling the truth after all.

"Citizen, once again we apologize for the inconvenience, but really there's nothing can be done. The orders came down from the Emperor hims-"

Galanor felt the shockwave pierce through every part of his body a split second before he heard the sound from beyond the gate. Like thunder, yet louder than any crash he'd heard in his life, and the sky was clear, the moons shining down from high on the horizon. Except, he realized, this thunder was speaking. Two words the little elf distinctly heard it form into:


The words seemed to dissolve into a dissonant indistinct rumble of the thunder again, as if echoing and bouncing around within the Tower itself. Galanor watched as the two guards looked at each other with expressions as surprised as he imagined his own was, then back towards him.

"What in the name of the Eight was that???"

The guard's face appeared so shocked it was difficult to interpret his words as anything other than genuine honesty, and Galanor believed him when he quickly stammered an "I...I don't know." Even from the other side of the gate he heard the workmens' voices morph into a mounting unrest.

The wood elf trader had suddenly lost all desire to bother navigating the "roadwork" on Green Emperor Way. He apologized to the guards and began to run off towards the Elven Gardens district, seeing the few pedestrians frantically milling about and exchanging worried and incredulous looks with the heads now peeking out of windows and doorways. As he made his way there he began to hear a new sound from the city center, now like lightning following the thunder, a terrible crackling of electricity that seemed to swell and crescendo as it grew in intensity, soon accompanied by the roaring of wind and swirling dust until that too faded. No more sounds followed on the rest of the way home. As Galanor stepped in the door his wife Liriel was almost immediately there gripping him tightly in a hug. "I'm so glad you're all right! By Y'ffre, what do you think made that terrible sound?"

#The Emperor, The Underking, and The Bastard Divine: Part 2

coming Sunday

Part 1