When the Eagle fights the Snake: War Without End.

Roiling, twisting the Serpent makes to strike the Eagle, to tear his wings and leave him flightless and bloodied. In a moment, the Eagle strikes with talons like sabres and slashes the Snake until honeyed ichor pours forth in scalding torrents. The Snake wails in agony whilst the Eagle swoops downward to pluck out its eyes, but the Snake is too fast and whips an ebon tail through the air and knocks the Eagle from the sky. Screeching and attempting to take flight, the Eagle readies its flood of talon strikes, seeking to blind the Snake or pierce its heart of red roaring crystal which pulses inside its chest.

Alas! the Eagle is too slow and is repelled with a tail swipe vicious and quick, and injured crashes into the ground bleeding golden torrents and limping with its wings bent at strange angles. Seeing its quarry helpless, the Snake rears up once more and prepares a dose of its most lethal venom, baring its fangs and hissing it lunges its head forwards with preternatural speed and attempts to sink its fangs into the Eagle's flesh. However, at the last moment, a great Boar sallies forth and with golden tusks spears the Snake in the heart, and shakes it violently until it goes limp. The Eagle having been rescued by the Boar, raises itself up from the ground, hopping and hobbling, and strikes the Snake with its beak, goring and drilling into Serpent Flesh. The Boar now having done its work tries to shake loose the Snake but to no avail. Before it can react, the Serpent awakens and puts out the eyes of the Boar with its sabre fangs. The Boar squeals in pain, grunting and snorting as it attempts to see through ruined eyes, and as it turns to run, the Snake clamps down on its head and bites until it crushes the Boar's skull, but in its zeal it is impaled on one of the tusks as it injects its foetid venom.

Seeing its ally being crushed to death, the Eagle leaps forwards and pecks out the black eyes of the Serpent, and, jabbing at it with its razor-sharp beak, mutilates the body until serpent skin slides off in sheaves. Angered at its blinding, the Serpent not yet dead cracks the boar tusk with its constriction and, freeing itself, lunges for the Eagle's throat to rip it out. The Eagle fends off the Snake with its beak, and, clutching it tightly in its talons, it lifts it up into the air, dropping the Snake into the ground when it reaches the zenith of its flight, but not before the Snake sinks its fangs into the Eagle's breast, piercing its flesh.

The Snake beaten, it plummets to the earth with a sickening crunch and a great mound of dirt arises to inter its body. The Eagle triumphant soars high into the sky screeching its victory, but soon every wingbeat is agony and it feels itself lose strength as it too falls from the sky oozing searing ichor as it crashes to the ground. Broken, the Eagle lies motionless as the venom works its damage, and with its wings destroyed, it waits to die as it is swallowed by hungry vipers.

-Bosmeri Story #8: How Y'ffre bears witness to all conflict.