Hieromonastic Orders of High Rock: Introduction and Contents

Hieromonastic Orders of High Rock


High Rock, a land of hills and mills, of vales and dales, of towns and gowns and farms. Quaint High Rock, where the sound of church bells fill the country side every middas. There, in those steepled castles of the gods, chants and prayers are sung out and sacraments are delivered. Miracles happen there, miracles beyond the understanding of man or mer, miracles which only the hieromonks can perform.

Hieropriests, those priests who have achieved theosis, and do the will of the gods at all times. Once, they were but normal priests, who lit candles and delivered sacraments. But, their fervor lead them to the monasteries. Through devotion, diligence and determination, they are acknowledged and sent off to join so-called hieromonasteries, exalted monasteries which separate those who attempt theosis and those who achieve it.

There are seven hieromonastic orders in High Rock, three of which are secretive and are not covered in this book. In addition, one of the most important orders of friars is documented in this book, which is the progenitor of the three secluded orders.


Chapter One: The Petrites. Chapter Two: The Katarii. Chapter Three: The Good Man’s Society. Chapter Four: The Quatrain Order. Chapter Five: The Order of Penitence.