Where Magic Really Comes From

Where Magic Really Comes From.

If you ask any mages or scholars where magic comes from they will rant on about how magicka bleeds into Nirn from Aetherius through Magnus, the big hole in the sky. This is nothing more than Elvish propaganda, designed to fool us into thinking that any of these Elven "Gods" care about Nirn or its inhabitants. But Eorlund, where does magicka come from?, I hear you ask. Well the truth is that the air is the source of all magicka. Already I can hear the sigh of some Elven scholar who's tired of having to explain everything to "Stupid Nords". But before you begin to explain to me how stupid my theory is, read on and see the truth in my words.

First of all why would Magnus allow magicka to seep into Nirn, he does not care for any of us, he betrayed Shor and fled like the coward he is. If Magnus knew that his fleeing would grant us access to magicka then he would have sealed the hole behind him. He is a coward and a traitor and has no love for any mortals on Nirn, no matter what their race. If he had wished to help the people of Nirn then he would not have fled, he would have helped finish Shor' s plan. May Alduin feast on that damned oathbreaker.

So now that you know where magicka doesn't come from I'll tell you the truth. Air is magical because of Kyne and Jhunal. Kyne the Hawk, whose domain is the air and has granted Nords many boons and Jhunal the Owl, the God of runes and all things magical. What do a Hawk and an Owl have in common, they both fly through the air. Dragons and Snow Whales, two of the most magically charged creatures in all of Nirn, both live in the Sky and prefer tall mountains as that is where the magicka is more concentrated as there is less creatures and plants consuming it up there.

If you still don't believe me then consider these problems with the Elven theory of Magnus. In deep caves and mines all over Nirn, one can find powerful alchemical fungus. These plants never see the light of day and yet they are imbued with magical properties. So how can their magic come from Magnus when there is no sunlight down there. Well I'll tell what is in these caves, Air. Secondly if magicka does come from Magnus, does that mean a mage can't cast spells at night. I can tell you for certain that they can cast spells no matter how dark it is. Some elves say there is a magical charge within mortals that is recharged in the light of Magnus and can be drawn upon by a mage in order to use magic at night. But what then of the Draugr, the honoured dead have not seen day for thousands of years and yet they still cast spell just as potent as any mage on the surface, Or the Falmer in their damp caves below the surface, they have not seen Magnus in generations and yet they still use many foul magics in their underground lairs. Neither the Draugr nor the Falmer have been able to "recharge" their magicka stores under Magnus' light and yet they have had access to Air to power their magic.

I do not know what ridiculous Elven theories I will see in response to this but it is abundantly clear that Magnus is not the source of Magicka, perhaps it was Kyne who blessed the Air or maybe Shor imbued the soil with magic when creating the world and this magic passes from soil, to plants and then to animals like us, and so it is food that charges our magic. Perhaps I'm wrong but I'd say this makes a good deal more sense than the Elves ranting on about some magical hole in the sky. I look forward to hearing your responses and hope I may have helped enlighten our Elven friends who sometimes struggle to understand the way of the world.

Eorlund Quick-Arrow
