Mnoriad Pley Bar

The blue star’s song was that of harmony and she held within her the dance of fire. Her heart was as the color of water and those who looked upon her saw the light of their father. She remembered, and she showed every spirit the memory of what was, when the dreaming star was the birth of the sky, formed from the oceans beyond.

When the spirits formed, the blue star danced to the song. Her dance moved them to harmony and they lived as one. Then the Drum came and her dance changed to his beat. The harmony was altered to his purpose and he showed them a new world. She knew that this new world was the love of Anu. He made it with the pieces of love’s last gift. But it was also one of strife as the memory of what had been lost was ever present upon the land. The Drum beat in rhythm with the new world and the spirits had a new purpose, to make the dreamer’s love their own.

They descended into this world and the spirits began to take shape. The blue star’s shape was the Mnori. The siblings of the Mnori, the blood of Anu, did not want the shapes they were given so they left and with them the harmony changed again. Mnori was abandoned to the Drumming. She was left an orphan and her dance was that of the unfolding Doom.

As the descent into the world continued it was clear that the chaos of the strife was taking hold of the spirits. They began to war and fighting moved them to forget. Mnori’s dance continued in the sky but those below lost sight of her and her light began to dim. Only one spirit, whose shape was the Y’ffre, recognized her light as it faded. He remembered her true light but even still her light was fading and the other spirits could not remember.

The war continued and Y’ffre sought his chosen whose form could not be found. He gave them the Seed of What May Be and told them that with it they may grow a great forest and within its trees the waters of Mnori will flow and be protected by their bark so that her dance would continue and never be forgotten. The chosen took the seed to grow it in their land and it was burgeoning and green. The chosen swore to be her keepers and for that Y’ffre moved with Mnori and showed his chosen how to dance in fire so that they may have form. They became the Boiche, the oathbound.

Her’s is the equivocal story and her heart the sap for which the greensong is sung. Her dance holds each ending’s truth that may be found by those who know the rhythm. When they beseech her she may shine her light in the sky again. And all will dance to her new harmony.