Dreams of Prosperity

I had a dream.

I am in Resdayn. It is my the day of my wedding to the High Queen. But it is not as I remember, for the Dwemer [Apathy] and the Nords [Envy] were in attendance. Alandro stands at my side, with a beautiful mer of an unknown tribe I have not yet encountered. She is pale of skin, blue-ish in tone like a twilight sky, with intense amethyst eyes and flowing rose-twined hair. She is wearing a pale lavender dress that compliments her skin, and a laurel of strange and beautiful flowers. Petals fall around her, glowing with a soft light.

I begin to greet Alandro when the ringing of the High Priest’s song stopped all musings, announcing the appearance of the Bride. It is joyful and triumph, mournful and deceptive, beautiful and wrong.

She is more beautiful than ever, wrapped in a green and purple sari inlain with gold and ebony flakes. Bells jingle with her every step and birds sing in her wake. Life blooms at her feet at she danced towards me. Even Magnus has lent her his light, a mist of illumination singing her praises. Her long red hair is the colour of bloodstained autumn leaves, tied in a messy bun. Her eyes the greenest moss, her skin like dwemeri brass. Her movements are divine, though...off. Seductive. Dangerous. Hypnotic.

She is accompanied by a tall strange mer [like Alandro’s companion] clad in the garment of an ebony warrior, a rich red cloak the colour of fresh blood, and carrying a golden katana that burns with fiery light. He is frightening to look at and so I turned to the other. It is Dumac, which surprises me. He looks regal, and carries Almalexia’s hand in his own.

When they reach me I hold out my hand, hesitant, waiting. To my relief, she takes it [that part of the dream matches the reality]. Pleased, I turn to see the four-armed Priest watch us closely [I cannot remember his face] for a moment, before smiling a wide smile that none-the-less makes me uneasy.

“Citizens of Resdayn! We are gathered here to witness the marriage between Nerevar of House Mora and Indoril Almalexia of House Dwemer. In attendance are the...Gods...to witness this union and bind it till its eventual demise” He/She speaks, poison-sweet. He/She takes a moment to glance in my way before continuing, “If there is any among you who would oppose this union, speak now or forever hold your silence!”

Here the Nords rabble and complain, but they are turned to ash and made silent.

The Dwemer grouse and debate, but hold their peace. One leaves in protest.

The Chimer cry out in anger and blasphemous tones. A glance from the ebony-clad warrior has them silent.

Alandro’s companion turns almost-compassionate eyes to me and speaks softly, “Devout Nerevar, would you chase this beauty to the ends of the world? I plead with thee...certainly the daughter of Velothi’s Patron is beautiful beyond measure. But she is a poisonous beauty, her father’s Daughter. Is that beauty worth your life? You can turn back now before it is too late...”

I turn to my future-wife. She cocks her precious head at me, curly red framing her face, eyes shining. She looks almost concerned. “Nerevar?”

My heart overpours with love and hope. I lean closer, smiling assuredly, but speak to the others. “No. I will not do that…”

The ebony-clad warrior laughs deeply, saying thus to the beautiful and strange mer, “See! He is blinded by the beauty of my Love. Let the mortal have his gift, and if he is to come to regret his choice that will be his fate.”

“But you cheat,” The mer argues softly[affectionately], “How can he resist your daughter when she comes wrapped in the promise of your wealth. Your secret poison. Your secret Love.”

“Do you blame me for his decision then?” The warrior asks, amused.

“Far from it, your hold over him is not that strong brother-sister. I simply point out how twisted your gift’s influence is.”

“It is my way.” the Warrior replies simply, hand on scabbard. I can hear the smile in his voice as he purrs, “Besides, you act as though you have no investment in seeing this come to pass. My, sister-brother, the greatest seducer...”

“Now, now, I never said I was against. I merely wished to offer the mortal a chance to leave this”, she laughed.

“Indeed. Not to test his resolve and seal his fate.” The warrior wryly countered, smiling.

“Semantics.” The lady waved it away before pointing towards the High Priest, “But we haven’t asked our sister[brother]-brother[sister] their thoughts.”

The warrior clasped their hands together earnestly, “Of course! How could we forget. Dear Spinner, what do you think of this? Any objections?”

The priest is silent, clad as he/she is in shadows. “Poor Nerevar, his life cut so soon”, the shadowed one whispers in mock-sympathy, holding up a string bloodied and torn. The Warrior laughs and turns to his beautiful companion. “No, I guess not. Shall we continue?”

The others laugh and all turn back towards us. I feel uneasy till I feel a soft hand on my arm. It’s Almalexia.

She shakes her head lightly at me, one of her [increasingly rarer] smiles on her face. The one that lights up her entire face in the purest sense. She speaks, her voice like that of a god’s.

“My love?”

There is a feeling of peace that washes over me. I smile back and wrap my arm around her, replying, “Hm? What is is beloved?”

“Daydreaming again?” She laughs softly. Appears she did not hear the exchange. “The revered High Priest asked if you would accept me in marriage.”

I replied without hesitation, “I do.”

She smiles and gently caresses her hand on my cheek.

I hesitate, “Do you accept this union? I mean, it is not what you’re-”

She stops me, “I do. I love you, my Nerevar.”

Relief washes over me, “I love you, beloved Alma. It is not much, but take of me my Heart, my Feet and Hands, take of me my Face.”

She smiles then, saccharine sweet, and glows with newfound power. Around me I hear laughter from the warrior, the lady, and the priest.

“I accept,” her hand on the hole in my chest where my heart was. Her face covered in my blood.

I woke up then. I feel it is a sign from our ancestors but I am uncertain as to what this portents. I must consult with the Wise Women after my meeting with Dwarf-King.