Clans of Old Whiterun

Below is what remains of a First Era census of clans in Whiterun Hold, tracing their claims back to the original founders, members of the 500 Companions of Ysgrammor. While it is inadvised to take such a document as pure history, and many of the below mentioned clans seem to have vanished over the centuries, one can find many of the regions current notable families listed below. -Caoran Fiascian, U. Gwylim

In those days the twenty-two sheild siblings who left the Eastern War-march came to rest at the foot of the Great Tor. There Jeek River-master drove his sword into the earth, and seeing the glory of the heavenly forge on the peak of the hill, all fell to worship the Wind-Mother. They called the place Vhittrung, Far-Hull, for deep into the new country had their great ship taken them. As their kin-folk and hall-folk arrived behind them, they began to build clan-houses for those who would come after.

From Jeek of the River, first harbinger of the house of honor and keeper of the oath of the circle, came Clan River-king, who ruled justly.

From Terr, who saw a vision of the Sky-Queen and whose hair was ever after ashen, came Clan Grey-mane, who are entrusted the great forge of Kyne.

From his twin Tysnal, whose very birth-wails were war-cries, come Clan Battle-born, who have ever been ready to stand back-to-back with their brother-clan.

From Gandlag, who fought with a staff, came Clan Wind-spear, who settled Fjal-gloa and have ever been clever-men.

From Menro and Manwe, who worked the timbers of the Jorrvaskr, came Clans Ash-river and Oak-river, who watched the southern forest.

From Brunl the Off-Handed, and Yust, who always smiled, came Clans North-wind and Thunder-voice, who pushed north towards the mountains.

From Ond, who fought with no sheild, came Clan Mare-wind, who set off into the western plains and built their clan house not from timber but from hides.

From Tala the Speaker and Jonder the Tiny, who first saw the Skyforge, came Clans Lyre-Arrow and Hawk-seer, who stayed on the Tor and keep the stories of their people.

From Darrathya the Hooded came Clan Black-moor, who found the eleven secret songs to make frozen soil fertile.

From Kluwe the Ash-faced, who called himself Loate when hidden, and Svandvel who always loved the river, came Clans Shadow-spear and River-cloak, who paint their faces with ash before battle and disappear in the mist.

The last clanhouse they built was for Armathr the War-Drum, who kept the rythym of the rowers. He was slain defending his brethren from treacherous elves, who came on them in the night to free their kin. His clan-house was given over to the honoring of the fallen, and though none are born to Clan War-Drum, those who choose to care for the dead are adopted into it, and watch over those who have joined the Great Doom-Drum, Shor the Everlasting, in Sovngarde.

Of the twenty-two great companions of the Jorrvaskr, these fifteen stayed and made the great clans of our people. Three went south to the Fjel-kvik, the southern forest, lead by Motgerd, who stepped lightly. Three went north into the Foe-land to fight the elves, led by Erthing, who had always been mocked for how he wore his shield. Lastly, Meksim the Walker went in solitude to the west of the world, and was not seen again.