Enlightened by the Mad God

Say, have you ever wondered if the world around you is just a simulacrum? Have you, perhaps, noticed some out of place details that are defying common sense? Like people acting slightly off, subtly weird? Items appearing and disappearing at random, but with barely anyone noticing? One too many city guard with the same improbable injury?

I have. For years, I have. And I have feared. I feared I have been cursed by the Mad God. So I've seeked out his shrine to get my answers and pray for release. What I have learned I will never forget, and you will never believe.

Years, or perhaps centuries ago, a cult of Sheogorath came to this land to spread his power. They have built a village around old Roric's shack. Under the Daedric patronage the village grew prosperous, and gradually attracted a few more people to settle. Yet strange things were happening in the village - like items disappearing and everyone acting as if nothing has happened, as if only you could see them. This drove people to question their own sanity.

This is when the cultists took them to the shrine. Told them joining the cult would free them from their shackles. Just accept it and everything will be fine... So they did. And they joined the simulacrum. Put up a facade of sanity and confidence and... And the cult spread.

And the cult spread! Oh, how the Mad God laughed!

And soon they had enough members to bring the simulacrum to other towns, other holds, converting people there. Some joined, some killed themselves, some... well.

Eventually, they have converted even cities.

All around you are facades. And these people, beyond the facades, are secretly trying to drive you insane.