A Scholars Plea to General Tullius

To the most esteemed General Tullius, General of the Imperial Legion, Military Governer of the Imperial Province of Skyrim.

I write this letter with an urgency of a great kind. As a scholar and as a soon-to-be enlisted legionnaire, I implore you from not just a scholar's position, but in sight of the future stability of the northern province. While it is known that you hold little interest in the culture of the people that you fight along, you must respect it. I know, that in the suppression of a rebellion, examples must be made to teach the locals a lesson, but I hope you take care around the cultural items and spaces that the Nords hold dear. I hope that your need for timber does not strip the fruiting forests bare. I hope that, your men in justified anger, do not disgrace nor disturb the tombs of the ancient Nords. I hope, that when swift victory comes and you are ready to siege the traitor Ulfric in his capital of Windhelm, you do not damage the Palace of the Kings to a state of irreparability.

Doing so to such cultural items and places would not only greatly disturb the native Nords, but also cause a great loss to the intellectual community of Skyrim, the Empire, and indeed all of Tamriel. I beg you to take care, for the Emperor's wrath should be swift and focused.

Yours sincerely,

A humble Scholar,

Ulag gro-Bagol, 4E 201, 3rd of Morning Star