A Sermon on Orcish Issues: On Abortion
Mauloch, Father to us, his children
Gave us strength, endurance and passion
That we may crush our foes and love our kin;
Under your guidance, we have no fear!
In our lives, we live dedicated to his honour,
But to sire a wretched thing so weak and thin
Brings on the stronghold and all Orcs its dishonour
For only the wilful and the strong are our kin.
For a chief, he must do his duty
And his wives to the same end
The seeds once sown must be ploughed
For the strength that we reap we are proud!
But pride must not breed blindness
For weeds and weedlings must be uprooted
By the hand or the earth - what is needed:
For is dishonouring ones kin not the worst unkindness?
All must hear Malak's words!
"The weak must not bear or be born a' fruit!
The wheat must not be plagued by a root!
For no great chief from a weakling has been sired."