The Seven Shadows of Rajhin, Pt. 2

The Seven Shadows of Rajhin, Pt. 2

How Rajhin stole a treasure from right under the Empresses’ nose.

Having achieved in gaining sanctuary from the days blistering heat and intoxicated by the ease of his success, Rajhin set himself down in a local tavern.

In the darkness, nobody noticed his two shadows, and this fact greatly annoyed him. He seated himself with a Djinn in the far corner, after paying with fake septims that he had pickpocketed from a forger he knew. He overheard a Breton and a Bosmer suspiciously averting their gaze from all members of the tavern whenever such gazes glanced by, while engaging in a silently heated discussion. The combined feelings of being disgruntled and bored engaged his curious mind, as he used the advantage of darkness and stealth to get a closer look. Sneaking up behind them, he overheard their conversation.

“Did you hear that the Empress is set to stop off in Riverhold tomorrow, before continuing on her journey to her former kingdom, Silvenar?” whispered the Breton.

“I did. Imagine the value of all her jewels.” Replied the Bosmer.

“There only two sets of jewels I want to get my hands on” the Breton smiled and said smugly, accidently letting out an audible laugh.

“Shut up!” he deftly struck the Breton in ribs, before returning to his former self. “Imagine the wealth we could amass.”

“Let’s pinch them.” Said the Breton excitedily.

“To do something like that, you’d have to be either a master thief or very stupid. You, my friend, are just very stupid. Now, shut up and I’ll buy the next round. Keep your mouth shut on this and we won’t have any trouble.” The Bosmer then arose to the bar to get another round of drinks.

Armed with this information, Rajhin hurried to the settlement of Riverhold under the cover the quickly arriving nightfall. As he arrived at the edge of the settlement, he could see the glow of the torches being held by the Empresses sentries. On approaching them, he put on his invisibility ring and, searching through his pockets for a suitable distraction, found in his hand his last fake coin. This he threw at the nearest tree to the sentry, causing him to rise with almost Khajiiti-like reflexes in unsheathing his blade and adopting the defensive stance.

“Who goes there?” He bellowed.

Like the clouds through a moonlit sky, Rajhin manoeuvred himself past the sentry and picked the key from his pocket. With this, he deftly opened the door to the Empresses residence and slinked inwards. He stood over the sleeping woman whom the Empire loved so much. Her bodyguard was in the state of being that bordered on dozing, but his eyes were open – if unresponsive – to any potential threats on her majesty. As deftly as he had opened the door and avoided the sentry, he slipped the sheets off Kintyra to expose her naked body (for the heat of the Elsweyr’s nights, cold as they were to the Khajiits, were very warm by Cyrodiilic standards).

Her body was one of nature’s jewels, perfectly formed in the crucible of Imperial aristocratical manner. However, the sense of royal blends of peach and pale white was disrupted by deep patches of crimson, scarlet red that cover the neck and torso like craters. On her neck, like a seed that all roots sprout from, there laid a gem that manipulated her imperfections into a thing of beauty. On her neck, there was engrained a tattoo that resembled, in perfectly accurate detail, the ruby amulet that caressed her neck. He debated on which he should take. Quick as a fast, he plucked the tattoo from her neck and placed it on his.

Then, deftly as he had arrived, he departed after putting the sheet back on the silently sleeping majesty. For, any thief can steal a jewel, but only a Thief-God can steal real gem.

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