The Creation of the Orcs: A Literal View

Source = My Blog

The people of the earth were created in an era before the time of the Orcs. Before this time, the people lived in varying degrees of hostility and prosperity against each other, but in their societies, they were no outcasts.

But in the inevitable journey of time, the people under the Prophet Veloth seeked to travel to a new land, away from the neighbouring people under the rule of Trinimac. The people under his rule were charged by Veloth with preventing the unforceful conversion to the words of the prophet, and to seek vengeance, the prophet did summon one of his patron gods, Boethia.

Boethia spoke first through the prophet, commanding Trinimac and reprimanding him a final time that if he did not let Veloth and his people past, then he and his people would forevermore face the consequences of his actions. When Trinimac once again refused, Boethia challenged him to combat, for which the following terms were agreed:

"If you win, wicked god, your people shall pass unharmed for the time that they toil in journey."

But Boethia spoke in addition. "And you and your kin shall be cursed forevermore."

Trinimac, so confident of his victory, agreed to the terms. He fought blade to blade with Boethia, swiping in over-confident, aggressively compliance swings for a time until the god, in a feint, fell to his knee. But when Trinimac turned to his people and let his guard down, the god struck with traitorous speed, and consumed him.

Inside the putrid insides of the god, Trinimac screamed at the acids digesting him, but this was not out of pain, but of rage. Venomous rage at the dishonour of the god. The rage filled his soul as his body was rapidly corrupted by it, turning his pale skin a deep, dark green, like the colour of a snakes venom. His muscles bulged with the rage. His lower teeth grew into tusks that protruded out savagely.

Suddenly, Boethia excreted him out as Malacath, and laughed, laughed with a loud-pitched cackled that the followers of Veloth echoed. And so, like Malacath, his followers souls were transformed in his image, transforming them into the Orsimer - the Pariah-Folk!.

Boethia's curse was indeed a curse of the Pariah: A curse that blanketed the Orsimer in the hate of the worlds people. However, what Boethia thought the effect of the curse would be was in fact the opposite.

Indeed of dividing the Orsimer, it united them under the guidance of Malacath. Although homeless and cast down by all of the worlds people, they set out on their own exodus, using the festering hatred that was thrown at them by all the people to build great spiritual willpower and physical endurance.