A Sermon on Orcish Issues: On Substance Abuse

Source = My Blog

Mauloch, Father to us, his children

Gave us strength, endurance and passion

That we may crush our foes and love our kin;

Under your guidance, we have no fear!

The fire of battle breeds a fiery belly

That mead and wine rightly quenches.

But to over-indulge breeds dishonour

For the foolish acts are committed by the senseless.

There are those who master the balance of drink

And those who are shackled in its slavery -

For their honour in Mauloch's eyes shrink

Which can be repaired with no amount of bravery.

He who is drinks slave

Is trapped in the mind's cave

Where they cannot help but crave

The substance to bring them to an unhonourable grave.

Mauloch's children are to no-one a slave

Nor a prisoner in their minds cell

For the weak no songs in Ashpit do we yell

And do not in resounding glory bathe.