Iron and it's Gradients on Affecting Magicka [Primer].

Unknown Author, circa 2E 102

While research has been done on the effects of daedric Vestiges on the success rates of trans-circuitry varliambic interference or on the circumstantial nature of true-form shifts, in-depth experimentation has been done on the effects of the various metallurgical substances on the application of metals on magic.

This is an unacceptable lack of foresight on the Research Council that I intend to correct.


The most common metal found on Nirn, and the most underrated. Its use varies from the making of kitchen utensils to the production of weaponry. It forms easily with both the earth and sky of Nirn, melding with other minerals to form an abundance of various alloys. In this research document the author takes note of two basic forms iron takes that significantly affects magicka. These are alternatively called “hot” iron and “cold” iron.

Hot Iron

The name given to the form of iron commonly found on Mundus, this could be considered the default or inert form of iron.

It is surprisingly conductive to the flow of divine and magical energies. Areas rich with sky-kissed iron (also known specifically as iron oxide) are highly conducive to the various creative forces that rule destruction magics. In correct alignments, mystic and alterative magics benefit from infusions of iron in their rituals. Conjurative spells are reversedly hampered by inclusions of significant iron in their rituals. Geomancers have determined this is because of the various living-to-dead components found within the soil-iron substrate which act as conduits for power. The second most commonly prised form of hot iron found on Nirn is that which has been kissed by the tears of Nir ie the rain. Many alchemists use the metal when it turns a reddish-brown colour as this form reacts well with most reagents to increase the potency of various potions.

The second, rarest, and most prized form of hot iron is found in the form of meteoric iron. A composite of iron and nickel, it is unknown why meteoric iron enhances magical flow but theories abound to explain the effects of nickel as a stabilising agent. Experiments done at the Arcane University have shown nickel to possess minor anti-magic properties in significant enough quantities. Meteoric iron absorbs, retains, and releases magical energy at a fairly steady rate. This is why it has been prized by armourers and enchanters throughout the ages despite its fragility compared to purified iron.

Cold Iron

An often misunderstood form of the metal, cold iron has been used since antiquity to describe iron which has been purified through smelting processes. While technically correct, there has been some error-in-translation lost through time.

True cold iron is composed of meteoric iron which has been changed through a rigorous process of atmospheric heating and cooling to remove most impurities. Much like its meteoric aspect, cold iron draws and releases magical energies. However, for unknown reasons, it does so at a pace that far outstrips the other.

It occurs naturally in nature, often found with deposits of meteoric glass. True cold iron has little effect on those with a low magicka pool, with the sensation of touching it described as being unusually cool. Those with a moderate-to-useful magicka pool often experience a steady draining of their magicka, in addition to a weakening in spell-casting, and have described the sensation as being extremely uncomfortable. Its greatest effect however is on those with a high magicka pool. Sensations have been described as ranging from highly repulsive to torturous or agonising. In some cases, cold iron has been known to burn and even melt when exposed to those with high magicka, completely draining and disrupting the flow in the individual.

For this reason, and its indiscriminate volatility, its use is often limited to the most dangerous of mages. Most common disablers are made of ordinary iron or similar metal enchanted with various drain magicka spells.