A Sermon on Orcish Issues: On Heathenism

Source = My Blog

Mauloch, Father to us, his children

Gave us strength, endurance and passion

That we may crush our foes and love our kin;

Under your guidance, we have no fear!

Unlike heretics, heathens to the Orcs are of little threat

For Malak cares nought for those who care so little for him

And recognises worthy foes in themselves

Provided they do not screech "false Prince!".

Let the heathens wallow in their ignorance

For their strikes are but the tickle of a feather;

But burn and slice the heretics up

For their poisonous venom corrupts the faithful.

Heretics knowing scourge the faithful with their corruption

While heathens retain their ignorance quietly

And to their ignorance, to Malak they are no worth

For them there is no Ashpit after death, only worms.