A Sermon on Orcish Issues: On Education

Source = My Blog

Mauloch, Father to us, his children

Gave us strength, endurance and passion

That we may crush our foes and love our kin;

Under your guidance, we have no fear!

The children are the future, borne into the cruel world;

The youth will soon have to stand strong 'gainst the slings and arrows of Tomorrow.

So, arm and armour them up in steel

Instead of cotton and plaster.

Arm the young with the Art of War

That the sword and spear may paint a bloodied line over their foes

And Armour them with the knowledge of the smiths

For strong knowledge leads to strong steel.

Arm the young with the bow and the trap

To seek out and slay the engorged game of the forests

To train speed, agility, strength and patience.

For an empty head leads to an empty stomach.

Arm the young with Piety

For the love of Malacath is armour for the soul

That his children shall wear, in light and dark

For without knowledge of his love, how can they hit the mark?