Kyne's log: a folk-tale

I overheard this tale at a seasonal rural market in Helgen and thought it was wise of me to scribble it down

Once upon a time and not so far away from here, there was a village striken with bad harvests. The hungry villagers despaired as season after season not a single crop managed to give enough to feed them, let alone to trade. A pious bunch, day after day and night after night they prayed to Kyne and asked for a more fertile land.

One day, when the villagers woke up, they discovered that a wooden log was in the middle of the town. And it was no ordinary log, for it had a carved smiling face and was sustained by four wooden legs. The villagers were puzzled and asked each other who had done that. But quickly they understood that the log was a gift of Kyne, and the means by which to be able to harvest plentifully again. The villagers dropped everything they were doing and for days after days and nights after nights they only dedicated themselves to worship Kyne's log. They sang praises, dedicated to it their best and most arcane prayers, brought the log to their homes to protect it from the cold and offered as tribute the very last remains of their granaries.

But day after day and night after night the land still wielded nothing, and the town grew even hungrier. The villagers met up and decided that in the end the log was not a gift from Kyne but a daedric mockery. Armed with wooden sticks they went to the log and beated it furiously and after the log was beaten they threw it on a fireplace to burn. And some say that in the crackling of the wood some words could be heard and understood:

"If only you had toiled the soil..."