On the Significance of Ears in Elven Culture Part III: High Elves

By Augustus, Imperial Historian 2E582

Following a surprisingly short time, I received a reply to my application. I was unable to gain entrance to the Isles themselves. As my response letter read, I was informed that “Your application has been given it’s due consideration and after thorough deliberation it has been decided that your presence at this time would not be beneficial. You are free to resubmit an application after 5 years. You are, alternatively, free to contest the results of the Council of Immigrations on your status. Attached with these papers is a copy of the Inquiries and General Services paper. Please ensure everything is fully completed to prevent further distress. Thank you.”

I will of course contest this decision. Fear not however, I was able to get aid from a fellow scholar of mine from the Mage’s guild who invited me over for tea while I was in the area.

He was a tall Altmer with a light golden complexion. Regarding his historical background, he explained he was born to an Imperial father and an Altmer mother who had sought her fortunes in the land of Cyrodiil. When I asked how he knew of these customs, given he was born in these lands, he explained his mother had raised him on Altmeri customs. He also added that he had visited and lived in the isles for a while in his youth.

[Author’s Notes: Readers, if this list of customs appears more like rules. It is because they are. The Altmer of the Isles have codified Aldmeri conduct patterns into a series of almost-unbreakable rules. They may appear too much to us but as my colleague assures me, it’s so ingrained in their culture that most Altmer do a variety of these things subconsciously, even if they are not born in the Isles proper. This leads me to believe the Altmer simply took what was already present and gave it meaning, as they are wont to do].

As he explained:

“You must understand, while I hold myself well trained in the culture of my people, I am a second-generational informant. My mother...she would have explained this best I think. Regardless, these are the basics of what she told me:”

The Rules

– An Altmer is not allowed to touch another’s ears after spell casting. This serves a purpose I shall get into detail below.

– It is proper for Elder or Important mer to exhibit the uncovered tips of their ears but not the base. This assumes the mer in question possesses long hair.

– Young (below 400 years) mer are allowed to exhibit all their ears.

– For a period of about a week, both male and female mer must cover the tips of both ears following a pregnancy. During pregnancy itself, both ears are exposed.

– Cupping, grabbing, stoking, tugging one’s ears is considered obscene and childish after a certain age. The same goes for doing the same to another.

– Tattoos are the sign of degenerates and Dunmer. However, during a mourning period, one is allowed to dye their ears completely black as a sign of mourning. It goes without saying, that the ears must be exposed.

– It is unfashionable to be gaudy. Rather, simplicity is best when it comes to jewellery. Studs are very popular among both genders.

– During Romance, the wooer may initiate ear caresses. Stroking of the ear, preferably from base to tip and back is preferred. Doing so shows their interest. It is advised that one does this in the morning or afternoon, never midday or sunset. [My colleague explained there is a book, the “801 Rules of Procreation” that deals with this and similar subjects].

– It is considered improper to note the size of another’s ears. [At this point my host grew somewhat flustered and assured me that there is no correlation between the size of one’s ears, and the mer’s prowess in bed].

– Never mention or mock the length of an Elder’s ears.

– Refrain from mentioning another’s lack of healthy ears, or proper hearing. Or in hearing.

Basic Body Language

– Two taps or flicks with one ear (typically right) implies you are being listened to implicitly. The more casual version of this is done with the hand on the same side of the ear.

– A single sharp and erratic ear flick implies the elf finds you annoying or irritating. A series of these left to right means you have angered them.

– Younger mer may show deference to their elders with a nod with both ears exposed. To their masters this is done following a head tilt to the left with one ear exposed and the other partially covered. This is done the first time they meet. Afterwards, one is free not to do the above, though it is encouraged.

Ears and Magic

Curiously, my host implied Altmer have extremely sensitive ears to magical tones. It is not the first time I have heard this claim, but it was the first time I was able to get into it in some detail. As he put it:

“In addition to eyes that can see further into the ephemeral planes, we Altmer are blessed with an intrinsic understanding of all the songs of Mundus. These ears are not simply for show, they allow us to ‘hear’ magic if you will. All elves can do this with practice, of course, however none is as biologically developed as with the Altmer. Because of this, we are more sensitive in that area following use of magic by us or others. This often translates into an overall sensitivity to touch and such. Regarding how it is like? Well...I would liken it to a ringing tone, always noticeable whether loud or soft. The sound changes depending on the magic used and the personality of the individual, and is like...music, with patterns and flows. More practiced mages do not neglect this aspect, and incorporate it into much of what they do. If one is able to hear the ‘music’ of a spell, they are more able to cast it in a precise manner.”

After this we enjoyed simpler discussions and drank our teas. Soon I had to leave and I thanked my colleague for his time and for the information he gave me. There is much he admitted he still did not know, such as why mainland Altmer sometimes engaged in the practice of ear cutting, or dressed their ears with shaped mirrors, or why some would attach or merge seashell bones and exotic feathers into their ears. Still, he assured me that at the most basic, the elves of Summerset had simply refined existing behaviour. Indeed, one can see this in similar beliefs they shared with the other races of Mer.