Acts of the Elder Council - Debate on the use of magic on agriculture


High Chancellor Espurrius: Before beginning to debate the next affair of the day I would very much like to ask to the present honorable Councilors to tone down their death threats or at the very least formulate them in less offensive language. Said this, we shall proceed to the third affair of the day titled "Imperial Comission for a Report on Possible Legislative Action on the Use of Magic in Agriculture".

As you may know if you have read the pre-meeting documentation, a delegation of farmers has come recently to the Emperor to present a petition. They argue that a group of alteration mages has bought some land near them and used it to experiment with the agricultural uses of magic. Their experiments have been successful and they are able to produce triple the produce than the neighbouring estates. Some other alteration mages have followed on the steps of their success. The farmers claim that this development will ruin many peasant families, as magically produced produce will be cheaper and more abundant than traditionally cultivated products, which will lead to specialized magicians having almost exclusive control of agriculture, condemning poor farmers to misery. The farmer delegation then asked the Emperor for a law that forbids the use of magic in agriculture in order to avoid the massive ruin of peasant families.

The following day, while the Emperor was wisely pondering their petition, a delegation of the new mage-farmers came to the Emperor and argued against the previous delegation. They claimed that alteration-based farming would be able to feed a lot more people than ever before, and erradicate famine forever. As such they argued that instead of issuing a law banning magical farming, the Emperor should isue a law fully allowing the mass use of magic in agriculture. Given the contentious nature of this affair the Emperor has comissioned this Council to redact a report on our position in the matter. We shall debate now the thesis this council will defend in the report. I see Councilor Snowhouse wants to intervene first.

Councilor Snowhouse: Thank you High Chancellor. I urge this Council to advocate for a ban on magic in agriculture. This is an Empire based on tradition, hard work and perseverance. We shall not let a couple of delusional obscure tinkerers meddle with the noble tradition of sweating your frown in the hard work of the land...

Councilor Megnis: Yeah, because you for sure know everything there is to know about working the land and sweating your brow, you clean-faced talker of talks...

Great noise erupts in the Chamber, the only discernible sentences are "The only thing Nordic about you is your mead-ridden tongue", "Bold accusations for a silk-clad Cyrodilian noble" and "Cyrodiliian blood-bastards and Nords by scum embraced, the same unholy disgrace.

High Chancellor Espurrius: Order! Order! Please let Councilor Snowhouse finish before insulting him or asking aloud for his demise.

Councilor Snowhouse: As I was saying before the High Hypocrite of this chamber interrupted me, it makes no sense to work the land without due effort. We need to build the character of our peasants so they do not crumble in the face of adversity. Farming the land should be like collecting taxes in Morrowind: difficult, tiresome and hate-inducing.

This scribe declares himself incapable to write down the native words coming from Councilor Ralyanos' mouth, the only thing he can write down is that they were probably very offensive

Councilor Snowhouse: Go back to your putrid lands, you fake-god ass-licker. Where was I? Oh yes, the agriculture thingy, right. That agriculture demands effort is proven by the wisdom of my people. There is this old tale amongst my kind about this log...

Another deafening cacophony erupts. Councilors shout sentences like "No, not the log story again", "Every time, every damn time" and "If I hear the log story one more time I swear by Arkay I'm gonna send you to him".

High Chancellor Espurrius: Order! Order! I remind all of you that we are severely behind schedule and lunch hour is almost upon us. Oh, of course, I only have to mention that we're running late for Councilor Mograine to ask to speak.

Councilor Mograine: Now that the children have finally ceased to pollute my ears, we may be able to make reasoned arguments. I see no reason why such a breakthrough in agriculture should be forbidden, think of all the progress that could be obtained through the employ of mages in the lands!

Councilor J'rar: This one only thinks about the pockets of your friends at the Mage's Guild and how convenient it would be for them for this law to pass.

Councilor Mograine: Of course Councilor J'rar can only think about pockets.


After the incident there is a greater rumble of voices, shouts and accusations than before, but it stops immediately as Councilor Tharn stands up

Councilor Tharn: What is the origin of your wealth?

Councilor Snowhouse: My lands.

Councilor Megnis: My lands.

High Chancellor Espurrius: My lands.

Councilor Mograine: Dy dands.

Councilor Tharn: Do any of you have magicians amongst your peasants? Do any of you have a plan to keep profiting from selling your produce after mage-farmers who own their own lands become the norm?

Timid noes are heard throughout the chamber

Councilor Tharn: Let's proceed to voting.

High Chancellor Espurrius: Votes in favour of counseling for a ban? In favour of counseling for legalization? A report reccomending a ban on agricultural magic is approved by unanimity. Now let's proceed to the next issue.