A Sermon on Orcish Issues: On Sickness (and what do you want to see next?)

Source = My Blog

Mauloch, Father to us, his children

Gave us strength, endurance and passion

That we may crush our foes and love our kin;

Under your guidance, we have no fear!

How the body is frail compared to the soul -

For the festering wound is not purged like heresy;

But the purging of it requires the same strength

Of mind, of will, and of soul!

Sickness of the body must be toughly borne

For Malak does not deem the weak the right to live;

Suffering is the forge of character and endurance

That Chiefs are made of in Ashpit's halls!

But for the troubles that infect all that it touches

"Community comes before personal pride":

Thus it must be treated quickly, with herbs if needs be

Else the fool who prompted the plague shall be shamed.

What subjects do you want to see interpreted in the future "A Sermon on Orcish Issues?"