Talos is Come! Our God-Emperor Has Returned in Fire.

You have come! You have come to hear the word of Almighty Talos! The glorious truth is before you, sons and daughters of Snow, the true God of Man is come once more!

At this moment, the rot spread by our Aldmeri oppressors is being purged in a divine conflagration as the Thalmor are put to flight by the children of Mighty Talos. Those who would blaspheme his mighty name shall soon fall before his throne and swear fealty, else they shall wear their pride as yokes, dragging themselves through the streets weighed down by their sins.

The Truth is before you, children of the Dragon, the world is to be made clean and the righteous amongst you are to sit beside Talos in the New World, enthroned and robed in splendour with crowns of fire placed upon your brows. All shall know the freedom of Talos, the liberation from this festering mire of Elven corruption. Thus, the wicked elves shall be brought low and the very mountains shall tremble at his roar. With but a simple whisper divine Talos shall shake the very foundations of this world and even the Greybeards shall come down from their holy mountain to sing of the death of the Old World as the wailing of the impious is drowned out by the triumphant roars of Talos' children. Attend me well, sons and daughters of Snow, for I, Heimskr, am the mouth from which mighty Talos speaks, and he would have you know his divine love!

I beseech thee, children of the Dragon, turn away from the false idols you have constructed, and look upon the glory that is to come. Be not afraid of this time of transition, for it marks the death of the elves' tyranny and the ascension of man to our rightful place at Talos' side. If you be pious and have faith in mighty Talos, you shall have nothing to fear from his children, for they destroy only those who would spread lies about our great sovereign. So, take heed, children of Snow, for the coming of the Dragons is a sign to all that this evil world shall soon be cast down and from its remains, a new and better one shall be made.

Wayward children, repent, and you may yet escape the purge that is to come. Repent, and you too shall sit at Talos' side, exalted and gifted with the chance to aid in the creation of a better world.

So endeth the Sermon of Heimskr.